Captain Sign ups

Sep 25, 2008 06:19

This is the post for Quidditch Captain Sign ups. PLEASE READ EVERYTHING BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS.

For Quidditch Captain Positions: Candidates should expect to describe both In-Game and Canon reasons why their character is qualified. Captains are expected to be capable of ordering around their teammates and handling them if something goes wrong, should be strategists, obviously need to be proficient at Quidditch themselves, and need to be leaders. Thus, any canon examples provided should reflect that. Please fill out the form below.

Quidditch Captain Application
Position and Proficiency at it:
In-Game Reasoning for why they'd make a good captain:
Canon Reasoning:

Voting for Captains will occur as such: Each application will be posted in full on a post by the moderators, and players will be able to vote on which they find BEST for the position. Since we're asking for canon information, this indeed means that the applications WILL NOT BE ANONYMOUS.

This is VERY important: If you are the only person in your house who applies, that doesn't mean that you're guaranteed the spot! Players will still vote on whether they find your application to be Captain material, and single apps need to get 67% of the votes to get the position. Any untaken positions will go to NPCs until further notice.

Please post the applications here (they will be screened), with the position being applied for in the subject line!

quidditch, prefect and quidditch positions

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