Apr 12, 2008 21:19


Attention! This is the old application page. The current application page is located here! Please submit your completed applications there.Ready to apply? Well, you are in the right place! Hop on down and copy-paste the application, but first we would like it if you went over a few things before you find yourself diving ( Read more... )


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ame_no_genki April 27 2008, 17:04:06 UTC
Player Information
Player Name: Risa
Personal Journal: Ame_no_genki
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM: AfroxGunso
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Colette Brunel Ailedange

Character Information
Character's Name: Rhode Camelot
Character's Canon Origin/Series: D. Gray Man
Character's School Year/Teaching Position: 2nd year (3rd next year)

Character's Background (AU!Canon; HP):
Like Tyki, Rhode grew up in a family of purebloods and insane people. She is also one of the 13 children who grew up with Earl, a dark wizard. From what Uncle Earl tells Rhode, her parents practically gave her to him. She doesn't remember much about her parents but the one thing she does remember is that when was 3, her magical powers surfaced. She burned her biological mother's hand and she just laughed. She proved to be too much for her already pureblood family. Her mother wanted Rhode out of her sight, but her father wanted his daugther to be taken care of.

One day, he found the Earl and asked him to take care of her. Of course, he took her in as his own daugther. Since then, Rhode had been living with him and 12 other children. When she got the mail to go to Hogwarts, it didn't surprise her. She already knew that she would get in with no problem.

Personality-wise, she's fairly normal for a 12 year old. She always bored and wants to be entertained all the time. Like most children her age, she procastates and loves to eat sweets too. Since she is also the youngest out of the 13, she is very close to almost everyone in her family. If something horrible were to ever happen to them, she wouldn't hesitate to get revenge. She is very loyal to anyone to calls Rhode her friend. She is cute by most people's standards...if you don't get her mad.

Since she is extremely close to her Uncle and it's sort of in her genes, it isn't surprising that she would be the most sadistic child out of the 13. She actually loves the taste of blood and loves to see people in pain. Plus, she wouldn't hestaite to kill someone her own gain...if it doesn't involve anyone close to her.

Sample Interaction Post in First Person:

...I'M SO BORED! Someone play with me! Hey, if anyone's reading this...stop studying for your exams! Trust me, they're so easy! If you paid attention in class, then you'll do fine! It's not like they're that hard anyway!


Sample Interaction Post in Third Person:

Rhode sighed as she stared at the ceiling of the common room. She was extremely bored. She would sing to herself to sleep but it didn't seem like fun anymore. Everyone else was studying for their exams and probably Rhode was the only person who wasn't worried. Was it arrogant to do something like this? She didn't think so. She just thought that the exams were something someone shouldn't waste their time with. If it's boring, then just leave it alone.

Either way, it still doesn't solve her problem. "SOMEONE PLAY WITH ME ALREADY!" She shouted.


modofthehat April 28 2008, 10:00:59 UTC
-SORTED: Slytherin!

T O D O ;

-Comment to this acceptance with your character journal of choice. Using said journal do the following:
-Join the communities sortinghat_rp and sortinghat_logs.
-Post your information at taken characters.
-Reply with {friend add journalname} over at the mass add and remove.
-Have an idea for an event you want to share? Feel free to express it!
-Want your character to be involved more in the school? See whats open over at the Prefects and Quidditch department and take up a slot.
-Introduce yourself to the main community sortinghat_rp! Give us a little something about yourself and your character and then get posting.

We’re so happy you’ve joined us.
And hurray for sadistic small children! *bemused*


candy_ruby April 28 2008, 20:28:02 UTC
Hey, sup?


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