Apr 12, 2008 21:19


Attention! This is the old application page. The current application page is located here! Please submit your completed applications there.Ready to apply? Well, you are in the right place! Hop on down and copy-paste the application, but first we would like it if you went over a few things before you find yourself diving ( Read more... )


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gwynnthiere April 25 2008, 23:45:18 UTC
Player Information
Player Name: Gwynn
Personal Journal: gwynnthiere
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: Gwynnthiere/
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Reginald L Theophilus III hatteroftea

Character Information
Character's Name: Piper Halliwell
Character's Canon Origin/Series: Charmed
Character's School Year/Teaching Position: 6th
Character's Background (AU!Canon; HP):
Piper was the middle child of the Halliwell sisters, and as such was usually the mediator between them. She has a very warm and nurturing spirit, but when flustered or if the need arises, she's often the first one to start kicking butt. She's always been the voice of reason, and caution. While the other sisters were prone to leap first, look later, Piper was the one who would pull them back and make sure they had all the information first. She has also been deemed "unlucky in love". She also has a pet cat, named "Kit", appears to be a silverpoint siamese.

Piper has the power of Temporal Stasis, the ability to "freeze" objects in motion by slowing down their molecular movement rate to such a point where they appear not to move. She also has the power of molecular combustion, aka she can blow things up by speeding up their molecules until they seperate and explode. Her freezing power, at this point, is limited to the room she currently occupies, or a large area outside. Her powers DO rely on a hand gesture, with one or both hands.

Piper has a natural knack for making potions, as well as writing spells. She's a very good cook, and will often be found making the house elves upset by barging into the kitchen to cook "as a muggle would".

Sample Interaction Post in First Person:
I swear the House Elves have no idea how to make proper food in a natural way. I wouldn't put it past them to make Risotto with Minute Rice! *sigh* Maybe I'll head down to the pitch, I saw some adorable boys hanging around there...I wonder where Kit's gone?

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person:
"Oh no...this isn't good." Piper stood looking up at what had been a rather nice Quidditch match in progress. Slytherin was losing, and that always made her happy. However, just a few moments ago, someone had tapped her on the shoulder and startled her. As she always did lately, she jumped, waving her hands and managing to freeze the entire match in place. She glared up at the sky with a long suffering look. "Jumpy as a jack rabbit. Like I've done something wrong when I haven't."

Blowing a bit of hair from her face she waved her hands once more, releasing the stasis. With a sigh of relief as the game picked up as if nothing happened, she turned to the person who'd startled her. "Don't DO that! It isn't very nice, you know!"


modofthehat April 25 2008, 23:45:44 UTC

T O D O ;

-Comment to this acceptance with your character journal of choice. Using said journal do the following:
-Join the communities sortinghat_rp and sortinghat_logs.
-Post your information at taken characters.
-Reply with {friend add journalname} over at the mass add and remove.
-Have an idea for an event you want to share? Feel free to express it!
-Want your character to be involved more in the school? See whats open over at the Prefects and Quidditch department and take up a slot.
-Introduce yourself to the main community sortinghat_rp! Give us a little something about yourself and your character and then get posting.

We’re so happy you’ve joined us. (Charmed=win! wild/spastic magic =amusing win as well. I hope none of the other mods object, but if they do we can work something out, But so long as it stays an 'accidental' power, mostly like the bouts of 'wild magic' that happen in HP canon. *amused* Should be fine, just be careful with it ;) [I may need to still clear it with Whitney and Kristen, but, yah])


charmed_my_ass April 26 2008, 00:59:13 UTC

(And no worries, if it turns out she can't, then we'll figure something out :D)


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