Apr 12, 2008 21:19


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2nd character kaitekat April 24 2008, 05:53:40 UTC

Player Information
Player Name: Katie
Personal Journal: kaitekat
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM: bifrostkeeper
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Heimdall vindhler, Ami mercuriusrising, Gon fishingfreak

Character Information
Character's Name: Kaito Kuroba
Character's Canon Origin/Series: Magic Kaito, also in Detective Conan
Character's School Year/Teaching Position: 6th year

Character's Background (AU!Canon; HP):

When Kaito was a child, his father taught him Magic. Not spells and charms as known to the Wizarding World, but honest-to-goodness Muggle Magic; one-two-three POOF and a rabbit comes out of the hat, a single scarf is suddenly a dozen knotted together, a coin disappears and reappears behind your ear. Sleight-of-hand, card tricks; Toichi Kuroba knew them all. He could mimic any voice and throw that voice as any master Ventriloquist. He was a Master of Disguise. He was a Magician. Who just happened to be a wizard as well. However, he strictly kept his use of wizardry out of his muggle magic shows, under threat of the Ministry of Magic.

Kaito's mother was a muggle through and through; she was hired on first as a Lovely Assistant, but soon fell in love with Toichi. They married and produced a son. Toichi taught his young son everything he knew, starting when he was just a toddler. Some of it wasn't precisely legal...for besides being a magician, Toichi was a gentleman thief. He was wanted as the Kaitou Kid, International Criminal 1412, a phantom thief who announced his thefts beforehand on elegant cards. He was chased both by the muggle police and the wizard aurors, but he was never caught. His exploits were quite famous, and he had quite a following among the public.

So Kaito learned lock-picking and escape tactics alongside card tricks and ventriloquism, and proved apt at all of it. He was still learning when, at age 8, he lost his father to a horrible accident. During a Magic Show, Toichi Kuroba died in a fantastic explosion. It was later stated to be due to an equipment malfunction, although doubts ran rampant among the fans.

Kaito was devastated. It was shortly after this that he started to show signs of magic, which his muggle mother did her best to deal with. Luckily help was close by in the form of Jii, a friend of his father's. So with the time-honoured resilience of children, Kaito dealt the cards he'd been given and continued on, determined to succeed his father as a world-famous magician. And when he received his acceptance letter to Hogwarts at age 11 he jumped at the chance to follow in his father's footsteps even further. So with a cheerful wave, he bid his mother goodbye and hopped the train.

Kaito is a cheerful prankster who is generally well-liked by his classmates, even with his Puckish side and willingness to play a joke on practically anyone. He can mimic voices incredibly well and disguise himself with the use of muggle costuming skills. He's quite an adept cross-dresser when the occasion demands it. (He has not, however, been able to convince the stairs that he is a girl, and thus has been unable to raid the girls dorms. Not that he hasn't tried. Repeatedly.) He doesn't know about his father being the Kid, although he has continued to practice both the theiving and magician skills his father started teaching him. (For the purpose of this RP, I don't think I'll be introducing the Kid side of his personality, hence the not knowing.)

A note of caution -- don't play cards with him. He cheats. Not that you could catch him...


Re: 2nd character kaitekat April 24 2008, 05:53:57 UTC

Sample Interaction Post in First Person:

Good MORNING, Hogwarts! It's a beautiful day -- well, if you're a duck or the lake monster, at least! But it's time to be up, up, up! Let's start the day with a bang, shall we? ...whoops, sorry about that, I thought that smoke bomb was in my other sleeve. Hey, pink is a perfectly manly colour! It's not my fault you have in-se-cur-it-ies~!

Eh? Why yes, it is just before mean you didn't want to be woken up now? Oops! My bad. But you're up now! Hey, careful where you wave that thing, wands can be quite dangerous...

...but you'll have to catch me first!

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person:

"And one! Two! Three!"

Kaito pulled the handkerchief off of his white top hat with a flourish, and several doves flew out towards the rafters. The first year Hufflepuffs standing before him let out squeals of appreciation and the fledgling magician bowed with a charming grin. He absolutely loved first years. They tended to be a much better audience then some of his more jaded classmates.

Speaking of jaded classmates...Kaito spotted a fellow housemate in his year and his grin turned wicked. Now, where did he put those slime caps...?


Re: 2nd character modofthehat April 25 2008, 23:24:45 UTC

T O D O ;

-Comment to this acceptance with your character journal of choice. Using said journal do the following:
-Join the communities sortinghat_rp and sortinghat_logs.
-Post your information at taken characters.
-Reply with {friend add journalname} over at the mass add and remove.
-Have an idea for an event you want to share? Feel free to express it!
-Want your character to be involved more in the school? See whats open over at the Prefects and Quidditch department and take up a slot.
-Introduce yourself to the main community sortinghat_rp! Give us a little something about yourself and your character and then get posting.

We’re so happy you’ve joined us. ^.^


Re: 2nd character coldbutsweet April 26 2008, 04:49:01 UTC
Guess I'm gonna have to change some house info XD Here he is~!


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