Lovigna Vargas - 8th Bottle of Wine [Really Long Angst + Audio]

Mar 12, 2012 18:02

[The first thing Lovino notices when he wakes up is that he can't feel his muscles. That's normal, he must be on painkillers. The uncomfortable bed tells him he's in a hospital, and the dull ache throughout his body tells him he should thank whoever numbed him up. With a mumble, he reaches up hesitantly and brushes a stray bit of hair out of his face...

Wait a minute.

He notices two things wrong with this. One, that the hair he moved is shoulder-length. Damn, how long was he in here? The other, much more alarming one, is that he can't feel his left ring finger. It didn't touch the hair. It's not touching anything. He blinks awake and holds his hand up, which only makes matters worse. Not only is his ring finger completely missing, not only is his arm all bandaged up, but his hand is slim and attractive.. female. What the fuck!?

With the adrenaline rush caused by panic as the only thing keeping him moving, Lovino checks his other arm, holds out his hair in front of his face, and hesitantly checks under the crappy hospital blanket. Yup, he's somehow survived the dinosaur attack, at the cost of his vital regions and dignity. And to add insult to injury? He can't be any bigger than a B-cup.]

Che cazzo, Dio... [His voice is completely unfamiliar, raspy and still somehow attractive in his opinion. Jesus Christ, Spain and Feliciano are going to have a field day. Oh god, Spain...! His breath catches in his - her? - throat, eyes widening. He's a woman. He has... no real reason to use "he" as a pronoun anymore. And she, Ms. Vargas apparently, is in serious danger of dinosaurs, bastards, a fucked-up brother and a pedophile.] Kill me now... KILL ME FUCKING NOW! [She collapses back onto the bed, clenching her hands into the pillow and thus discovering that she's also missing her right middle finger. Damnit, she really, really needs that one right now....]

[And hour or two later, she wakes up to find that she is still female. Goddamnit... The adrenaline is gone, so grabbing her communication device is a feat within itself. After that, she figures audio is the best option. And although she tries her damnedest to hide it, the pitch of her voice has risen almost an octave. There's no way she can sound like she did when she was male.]

Who the fuck gave me to the hospital, d-damnit...? I didn't... I didn't ask for your help...

[[ooc: I'll be replying with a fem!Romano account. Do not be alarmed.]

[hetalia] lovino vargas

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