wave one // video

Oct 16, 2011 17:09

[The video feed clicks on and there's a brief, unfocused view of black fabric and a purple insignia, then it jerks upwards and shows a bewildered-looking troll with his hair flopping down wetly over his forehead and glasses on at a jaunty angle - then a hissed expletive and the video cuts off. It takes a good ten minutes for it to start back up again...]

[...But when it does, the camera has been arranged properly, perfectly aligned and focused. The same troll as before is seated beside the camera on the stone rim of the fountain, his hair now neatly back in place and every aspect of him carefully planned to look as calm and composed as possible. Except for the accusing scowl, of course.]

Okay. There's got to someone out there wwho knowws wwhy I'm here. I already figured out your primitivve devvice; I knoww there's people listenin', so don't pretend you're not there 'cause I knoww I'm not alone and I expect some coddamn respect.

Not to say I liked wwhere I wwas before, 'cause it fuckin' blowwed, but at least havve the decency to wwarn a royalblood before you kidnap them and drag them here like some kinda carpy movvie cliché.

And by the wway, I'vve seen these human things before, so don't think you're shockin' anyone.


[His lip curls. His teeth are really sharp! ...But the look is considerably less intimidating than he seems to think it is. Especially when you consider how carefully he's fabricated this video.]

Or I start findin' out.

[He reaches over and - oh darn, he's knocked the camera off the edge. It clatters onto the floor and he scrabbles for the power button with a loud curse. Click.]

(( purple courier and typing quirk on/off switch here! ))

[original character] tobias ashbury, [homestuck] eridan ampora

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