Mar 14, 2005 16:52
This entry finds me feeling a bit sheepish.
Ummm yeah. This last weekend I ran a half marathon, one ive done like four times previous. A friend of mine and I who used to be in good shape and very competitive made a pact on new years day to get out of this 'rut' we in which we found ourselves and get back into the shape we once were in. We even went so far as to take "before" photos, sexy ones at that, after the new year had turned.
Anyway, my running has gone okay, inconsistant mostly but the intention is there. Id kinda told a number of people i see daily about the half coming up in an effort to make myself accountable to my big mouth. So, yesterday was the big day and as you can probably infer...i bonked hard. No real reason or excuse. Yes, the week leading up to sunday was bad due to a sore back and id scared myself at the thought of running for 90 minutes with an annoying injury but i dont think that had too much to do with it.
Everyone who reads this stuff might wonder why they should care, and i dont blame them. I guess the root of my whining is the crappy feeling of not living up to my mouth. I think its a great thing to strive for humility--nobody likes a talker or a braggert (sp?)--but i just hate responding when people ask how it went. Hopefully, in the long run, this will be a motivator to get out there and reach my goal.
Running truly is the greatest metaphor for life. There is no way one will go from point A to point B without putting in hard work. Goals in running (and life) are meant to be difficult yet attainable at the same time. You hit roadbumps and hurdles along the way but you roll with the punches and keep your eye on the ball.
I guess, in the end, part of me feels that if i get my running in order maybe my life will soon follow, because right now im nothing more than a lost puppy.
Insert cute dog visual here....