Nov 23, 2004 19:41
So like, I have come to the realization that the people I consider my friends don't really care, about me, about anything, I guess that's the way it goes. It's kinda like people that smoke crack, I walk by them I think, how sad it is to be a crack addict,then I make fun of then, and talk shit about how being a crack addict sucks, then I think about how similar those people are to my friends, although the drug of choice is different, the end result is the same. It's hard to care about people that don't want to even care about themselves, and what's the point of it for that matter, trying to care only leads to tears. There's nothing I can do, and it's not (for once) my fault. I wish I could be real with someone, and not just my notebooks, I wish weldon, john, joaquin, klara, russ, or micha were here, just to have a real conversation with, and I so promise it wouldn't even be about me, just as long as it's not about drugs, I mean of course real drugs hard drugs, and not just weed, which to me, is not so wrong. I suppose true friends are hard to come by, I'll probably always keep in touch with the people that really care, the people that really know me, but more than likely I'll never see them again, maybe once or twice, but after that nah, or at least untill I become a famous artist, then everyone will wanna find me again, fuck it. The world is a pretty shitty place, but I don't live in the world, I live in Edinburg, TX and here, it ain't so bad, and I know when I get outta here, it's gunna get so much better, so let me bite my tounge, and wait for my wealth to come. At least my little kittie Ringo StarR loves me right?