(no subject)

Dec 17, 2005 17:00

I know it's been a long time since I updated, but most people probably haven't noticed.....so it's because of the usual scholl work work school...no time for a social life of any kind, so one of the newbies at work has been terminated good so that means less shifts that I have to cover...I have taken 3 or 4 of the shifts that she was scheduled........

throughout november I plotted and planned behind the head cashiers backs to get them something for christmas from all of us cashiers......I pulled it off with 100% of the cashiers pitching in....we ended up getting them each $15 gift cards to dunkin donuts along with a card that I hand crafted myself on the computer... so any ways they got that on tuesday during there head cashier meeting and they were totally surprised by it........

I also have been working on a book for my little cousins for x-mas i've been making it on the computer and at the moment I'm in the process of printing it out and putting it together....I still have to make the covers for them too, and I have a week left....Yikes.....I've got to work at 5:30 tonight, last shift I have to cover for that cashier....I can't cover any of her shifts next week becuase I'm already at 40 hours scheduled next week, plus I have one more final to go next week.......

well I know I've skipped around and I don't feel like rereading what I just type so I will just let this go as it is and I will update again sometime this week, but at the moment I need to get ready for work.
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