A Vision

Jan 08, 2008 15:57

Last night as I was in my bed quieting my mind to go to sleep, I had a brief, 5-10 second vision of a road in a jungle-like forest. From where I was standing or observing the scene the road continued straigth ahead of me for about 100 metres before turning left. On the right side of the road at the curve was a hut or a small house made of some wood material, possibly palm trees. The roof of the hut was made of some big leaves, like palm branches, the colour of faded yellowish green. On the road I saw a reptile that at first appeared to be a turtle. It was moving towards me, at first slowly, then it disappeared, then reappeared moving faster. This happened again until the animal was right in front of me and I saw it was a lizard the size of a cat or a small dog.

I am eager to see in what form or what teaching this vision of the lizard will manifest to me. I am nearly certain the lizard or the turtle will reappear to me in the near future, because I've had a similar experience of a vision followed by a teaching before.
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