A drama. (Stolen from bastienn)

Mar 20, 2005 19:03

It's so not fair that I have Saturday off but nobody wants to do anything :-(. I'll just sit home alone and eat. I feel like I'm so stressed!

Oh yeah. That bitch emiliachi went around saying how I got caught dissing on bumblebee. If I get my hands on them they'll be sorry!

What sucks is that I gave everybody my wishlist of computer hardware for my birfday, but nobody bought me anything :-(.

Hey and know what? Why does lalayulia keep posting images in her journal?! I keep telling her I'm on a modem! I'm going to unfriend her to teach them a lesson!!!!!!!!!!

I feel so enraged! everybody has asked why I'm leaving the goth community but the answer is simple: Some of you know who you are and why I'm leaving FOREVAR.

Hey and know what? I don't know why berian went all psycho over me and narsu having a little fun.

I feel so angry! someone at work found out I was into punk bands and I think that's why I got fired :-(.

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