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dontcallmemandy says:
Crystal is so great that everyone should have one.
1. Boil about 1 c. water.
2. Pour the water into a glass jar.
3. Slowly stir in three cups of sugar, about a teaspoon at a time. Don't rush this step.
4. Continue until the sugar is no longer dissolving but is starting to collect at the bottom of the jar.
5. Choose a color for your crystals and add a couple drops of food coloring.
6. Tie one end of a piece of string around the middle of a pencil and tie a paper clip to the other end.
7. Place the pencil over the jar so that the string hangs down and the paper clip almost touches the bottom of the jar.
8. Allow jar to sit someplace where it will be undisturbed.
9. Check after about 24 hours, and you'll see colorful crystals forming on the paper clip.