Title: Breaking the law (The Proposal)
Character(s)/pairing(s): Barbara Gordon, Dinah Lance (this chapter)
Rating: PG
Series Notes: This take place after B&R #6, but Jason is not a redhead.
Summary: Sometimes you have to break the law to bring a family back together.
Warnings: Many thank you to the wonderful
ladyithildiel for the beta work. DCU is not her
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But my Jay muse is very active right now so who knows? ;)
How is that bigbang going?
And I don't have a beta. I have weeks to see reginalibintia and I'm a little worried that RL will leave me without a beta.
D: Yeah, she seems not around much anymore. I miss her; she was my Babsy RPer. :/
When do you need the beta? I can probably do it for you if it's in May (after the 10th, since that's my last exam, I think).
Yeah, I miss your Jay/Babs rp as well :)
You are the best and I can't thank you enough for your offer, but unfortunately I have to post my story until the 5th of May...I think. *hugs Gloria*
Good luck with your exams!
*sniff* I bet our RPs could cheer her up. She should come back and play with me. >>;;
Awww. Well, if you're really in a jam and can't find a beta, I can probably still do it. Probably not as well as I would do after finals, but I could probably still do better than most. >>;; XD
Good luck finding a beta! <3 And thank you!
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