meme from tumblr and a prompt

Apr 23, 2013 00:16


1) Give me a pairing.

2) Give me an AU setting.

3) I will write you a three-sentence fic drabble.

OUaT, any, lost

She parks the car one block away from Granny's and, with the motor still running, watch Storybrooke slowly come to life.

Ruby takes the early shift with a smile instead of a frown and Archie takes Pongo for his morning walk before something break the routine.

And always something breaks the routine.

Twenty minutes later she watch Emma walking her son to the bus station, playing, smiling, being the mother Henry deserves, the mother she never was and, now, will never have the chance to be.

She sees Charming's truck and Whale talking to Leroy, Gold with Neal and Belle.

She's in the middle of Storybrooke, surrounded with people she knows from two lives and yet, she never felt more lost in her life.

meme, ouat, prompt, regina mills

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