Title: The High Priestess
Prompt:: Tarot Deck
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Dinah/Barbara
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 89
A/N: Un'betad.
Summary: A threesome is different than an orgy and the girls are okay with it.
The High Priestess: This card represents calm and passiveness, using your intuition, and being open to new possibilities; seeking what is concealed.
“Renee? Seriously?” Dinah asked her girlfriend between bites of cold pizza.
“I always liked Renee,” Barbara said.
“Isn’t she dating Helena?”
Barbara scratched the back of her neck. “I think so. Why?”
“Just thinking sweetheart,” Dinah said with a mischievous smile. “Do you think they would want--”
“Dinah, if the rumors are true, The Question and Huntress are together for a little more than six months. Asking one girl to join us is a threesome; asking two girls is an orgy.”
Dinah smiled. “And what’s your problem exactly?”
Title: The Magician
Prompt: Tarot Deck, The Magician
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Dinah/Babs
Rating: PG
Word count: 151
A/N: Un'betad
Summary: Believe in yourself
The Magician: This card represents the power to put thoughts into action or to turn mental power into an advantage. It may also hint at skill, deception, bravery, determination and self-confidence.
“I don’t get this stupid game!” Dinah threw the cards with force on the table. “This is stupid; I’ll never get to beat you.”
“To beat me you have to try first,” Barbara replied.
“Oh, please!”
“Listen,” Barbara said and picked one card from the table, “This card is your teammates learn its powers and potential. You were a member of the JLA so I know you can come up with a good plan. You are losing not because you don’t know how to play or because I’m a better player than you--“
“You are,” Dinah interrupt.
“I am, but only because you don’t believe that you can win me.”
Dinah opened her mouth to say something. Then she closed it. Then she opened it again. “You’re Oracle,” she said as if that explained it all.
“I wasn’t always Oracle”
Dinah picked her cards from the table. “Let’s play again.”
Title: Judgment
Prompt:: Tarot Deck, Judgment
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Dinah/Babs
Rating: PG
Word count:: 136
A/N: Un'betad
Summary: Barbara is about to have surgery and Dinah is not as strong as she thinks she is.
Judgment: This card signifies making hard choices, feeling reborn, knowing what you must do, and atonement for past mistakes; forgiveness.
“Are you sure you want to do it?”
Barbara didn’t answer right away and Dinah hold her breath; maybe the redhead had changed her mind.
“Yes, Dinah. I’m sure I want to do it.”
“You know I don’t mind, right? I don’t. I never did. So if you have change your mind and you are afraid of what the others will say…”
Barbara had to bit the inside of her cheeks not to cry. “I want to do this. I want to stop blaming myself for what happened. I think it’s time.”
Dinah sniffed hard. “What if the surgery goes wrong? I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you.”
“You’re not. You are not going to lose me,” Barbara said with bravado and hoped Dinah was too emotional blind to sense that.
Title: The Chariot
Prompt:: Tarot Deck, The Chariot
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Dinah/Babs
Rating: PG
Word count:: 116
A/N: Un'betad
Summary: After Dinah's divorce Barbara sees a different side of the Canary.
The Chariot: Right-side up, this card indicates a determination to succeed and achieve victory; focus. Upside down, it indicates a feeling of being blocked or restricted; being denied.
Barbara knew that the divorce wasn’t easy for Dinah. Despite her cheerful attitude the Canary was hurting inside and she can do nothing to stop the pain. She had tried everything and she meant everything! She even left open her Grayson Cam for Dinah to watch, but the blond barely notice it.
When they started sleeping together Barbara thought that it wouldn’t take much for Dinah to open up to her, but she was wrong. Every time she tried to make a conversation about Star City or Ollie, the Canary changed the subject or looked at her as if Babs wasn’t there.
It was like living with Bruce and Barbara knew she had to do something.
Title: The Emperor
Prompt: Tarot Deck, The Emperor
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Dinah/Babs
Rating: PG
Word count: 105
A/N: Un'betad
Summary: A florist has to do what a florist has to do.
The Emperor: Right-side up, this card indicates a struggle for personal independence. Upside down, it can indicate arrogance and exclusivity.
“Let me help you.”
“Come on! I can do that for you.”
“I said no. I can do it myself.”
“You’re acting like a child. Do you know you are acting like a child?”
“You just inform me, yes.”
“All I’m saying is that I can help you do it faster.”
“I don’t want to do it faster!”
“What about better?”
“If I’m not doing it right is because you show it to me wrong.”
“Sweetheart, I’m a florist. I know flowers.”
“Poison Ivy knows flowers.”
“Fine! Poison Ivy knows flowers, but I know how to make bouquets and this thing? Not a bouquet!”