(no subject)

Aug 05, 2007 18:51

I don't know what it is about the times right now but shit sure has been fucked up for everybody. I really feel sympathy or alot of my friends and myself, people having mad things to deal with currently. Man specially police, I can't fuckin stand them out getting innocent or mostly innocent people in trouble, fucking 'em over, and setting 'em up. Craziness. When I actually needed the police for once, like seriously needed help, I had a caase worker and forensics took all these pictures and shit and somehow even after the multiple calls It would make nothing happened... even when my mom called to try and help me. Yet then over nothing about a week ago I fuckin get arrested for a felony when trying to help a situation and this most douche bag cop gets all up in my house dissing me for no reason telling me I probably don't have any friends, making fun of the posters I have... just things like that and then says that i've got a problem with athority. ha no shit asshole.But anyways he has falsified my report and said I did all this shit I didn't like threatening to harm my mom and saying I was cursing at him, so at my first court date it was like an assesment or somethin' the judge just looks at the report and I don't even get a word to speak so he places me on fucking house arrest for 21 days except to go to work, but then a few days ago my mother had to go speak with the states attorney and told that It all wasn't true, that I didn't do a damn thing, how the cop set me up, so they recommended the judge to drop my charge whenever I go to court next and I wish my fucking public defender would help out some to, I mean I only had to pay 40 bucks for him but still he doesn't seem to have done anyhting at all. Anyways though my charge will be dropped and im thankful as fuck for that. I still miss my sissy though God I miss her so much I wish she could come home. And poor Gabi when she told me about her tires being slashed on campus that upset me I mean people should have grown up some by then your in college and your still out doing delinquent things that aren't even profitable to yourself it just screws others over. But she was in town today and since I didn't wake up early enough to make it out to the flea market she took me to the mall to buy some things so I got a new pink floyd poster and we both got these egyption papyrus's with out names in hieroglyphics and astrological shit. Scorpio and Gemini! Funny my two best friends gabi & kate are gemini's and so were the two love intrests I ever reallllllly dug.  but uh after that we went over to chris's for awhile and played frisby with him and chad and just tlaking with that kid makes me feel a lil more positive all the time so I'm feeling real good right now and my mom cooked me a special dinner i requested so i came home and ate with her. Hopefully tonight i'll end up munchin that fungus some friends got and ride my longboard around or play in a park or somethin would be a real nice day for it im feeling a good mindset. well my kittie is playing all around my feet right now so ima give him some attention god this cat is so cool, and how he plays with my dogs to is great... well love to you all sorry 'bout my ramble brains a lil fuzzy right now if u kno what I mean. p.s I wrote this really fuckin awesome poem but its so personal im still deciding weather to share it but the few who have read it thought it amazing so we'll see...
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