So a lot has been going on... I'm still going to Charlie Health IOP. Last week on Monday i was meeting with my one on one counselor and told her how the week before Steven threatned to have someone come beat Aubrey up. He called her a bitch twice to her face and he was refusing to move out. He told me he was going to beat up my parents if they came over and tried to talk to them and slap my dad. I told him I would file eviction. He wasn't phased. He grabbed me and refused to let me go holding me. He made me trip and we both fell over outside. I finally got inside and he pushed me again and I fell over his bluetooth speaker. Aubrey had come down and she was yelling at him because he threatened her Papa... Aubrey was defending me and eventually threw a beer bottle at the back of his head. He was saying he'd have her arrested.
I made Aubrey go to my parents the next day. That next day, he was still angry, but acting like he did nothing. He kept accusing me of cheating on him because my Life360 pinged off thes street next door. I kept telling him to get out but he wouldn't of course. At some point, he came in the room when i was asleep and got on top of me while i was screaming "no gtf off of me". Aubrey wasn't here but she was watching the cameras terrified he raped me. Steven then called the neighbor girl Sydney to "Talk to me" with all her 17 years of life experience. That just made me more mad.
Anyway he pretended like nothing happened by Friday and couldn't understand why i was mad. That Monday i told the therapist at Charlie health all about it. She said she had to file another report with DFACS.... I was pissed but what can i do?
The fridgerator also went out and the next day on Tuesday they were coming to pick up the old one since they couldn't get it the first time they dropped it off due to the plumbing. Had to call a plumber to come fix it and install the new one. They also scratched my hardwoods which i complained about and they're sending me $750 for the damages. Anyhow the fridge people were there from Home Depot and the DFACS lady just shows up and walks up to the door. I'm like "Can you wait for them to finish up". She takes aubrey out first, then me, then steven. Aubrey said she didn't say anything to her or confirm anyting. I did because she had the reocrdings i sent my therapist. She said she was going to create a saftey plan and Steven had to leave right then.
Steven didn't explode but said "i have to go but i'm coming right back" and his car is still not working so there was nothing i could do. His grandma wouldn't let him stay there she told me and he had no friends to pick him up. He left for about 2 hours to Matt's house and his girlfriend called me like "whats really going on". When he got home a little later, I told him this was it. He missed the September 1st deadline, now the october 1st deadline, and DFACS has come twice. I told him its either eviction or rehab. He choose rehab. I called Wednesday but Kim at Highland Rivers wasn't there. I called Thursday and they talked to him and said bring him in at 8pm that night.
I dropped him off at 8 pm and he was gone. That night me and Aubrey celebrated. We had Arbys roast beefs and got some bud at the vape shop. She also decided to move her room down to the basement. That saturday I took her to the mall which shes been begging for months for. i spent almost $500 on my credit card to make her happy. I also got her some new shoes and me some new croc shoes. WAsn't planning on ever buying a pair of those but watever. We had pizza in the mall and then stopped by bath and body works then home. I got a kava and kratum drink at Traveling Gypsies.
That weekend we also played Monopoly for about 3 days until aubrey finally went bankrupt which she was not happy about. In that time i was able to manage my drinking and my ciggerettes. I only had 1-2 a day but i need to stop completely. I went with Steven to the nurtionalist for my gastic sleeve the wednesday before he went in and she said i have to be nicotine free for SIX weeks before surgery.
I decided to stop everyting the day steven got out, beer, weed, and ciggerettes. I picked Steven up this Wednesday at 8 am after 6 days in detox. I thought he would immediately want to drink but he didn't. I bought him some Non-alcoholic beer and got some myself. I bought a 0% nicotine vape for myself. Its been two days now and we are both totally sober. Things are better and hes not being annoying or acting crazy. i have told him i can't afford to keep buying him NA beer though. I have upped my water intake a lot and the NA beer for me is just wasted calories at this point. I'm hoping to start loosing some weight soon. Damn Halloween candy is my enemy.
I wanted steven to go to the 30 day program in Cedartown but they don't have it anymore. They said the only program they have (bc i had his case manager call me directly) is like 6-9 months. No way in hell he was doing that. He said he would do outpatient IOP but he showed up today and walked out of the dudes office like "this isn't for me; i'm already sober". He just doesn't get it. HE said this is his first time trying to get sober in 10 years an he's never gone more than one day without drinking now he has 8. Maybe he will be one of those few people who just put down the bottle and never pick it back up. But i dont have a lot of hope for that. Only time will tell. But this surgery to me means more than anything and Steven basically ruined drinking for me with his antics and how much money he had me blow my savings on him and his beer and ciggs. I'm broke now. Great idea Sabrina. This fridge also really set me back. I also had the psychological evaluation for the gastric sleeve and passed it but it was $200.