I am 23 yrs old and married. I have been a Christian for many years but in the church I grew up in there were no specific dress or modesty requirements. About a year and a half ago I decided to switch exclusively to skirts. It was more as a move to look more feminine than an attempt at modesty, though it seems I achieved both. For me the covering of my hair will be a personal choice. As much an expression of what I feel modesty should be as a rebellion against what our modern society has dictated is okay.
What kind of head covering would be appropriate with modern dress?
I really can't afford to change my whole wardrobe and I don't really want to. I wear skirts that generally cover my knee, dress shirts of long sleeved pullover-type T-shirts.
I haven't talked to my husband about my desire to cover my hair as of yet but being the wonderful man that he is he'll probably ask how many scarves I need and if they'll all be pink. For those of you who made the choice later in life, especially after marriage, how did you bring up the subject?
For those of you who made the trasition from uncovered to covered while at the same job, how on earth did that work out? Did you have to have a conversation with your boss? How did you explain it to your coworkers when/if they asked> I work in an accounting department where business casual is required.
Thanks so much for all your help in advance.