These are the words but not the truth.

Jun 21, 2009 22:41

My room is stuffy and hot and uncomfortable. I should find a fan around here somewhere, it is so huuummmiiidddd

I don't know what the fuck I was thinking taking a math class online over the summer... I'm trying, LORD I AM TRYING. Math is awesome when I can apply it to real life. But getting from random strings of numbers and letters to the part where it helps me day to day is just... hard. And of course I dragged my feet getting started on it so now I'm cramming cramming cramming. I have problems swallowing my pride and asking for help, which is stupid because I have my dad "the professor" around all the time...

I'm actually in a pretty good mood, I'm excited to go back to Marquette this week. Kathryn is supposed to come with me but her car turned into a seaworthy vessel when Holland flooded this weekend so that might complicate things, but something will work out I hope. I am taking my HP200 exam up there, which was actually a pretty cool class. I don't think I'm going to sell the book back either, it's quite useful. The job hunt is afoot all week up there for the fall, I need some income other than sucking plasma out of my arm. My immune system will thank me for it. Though I am curious how similar the effect on my system is between donating plasma and the stress that a job will put on me... Depends on what job I imagine. Other than that I'll be hanging out, getting my room in order, and catching up with people around town.
Then on Saturday is Bodamer's wedding, which will be amazing I expect. So many weddings this summer... And babiesss. I met Melissa and Tony's baby Eva yesterday and I kind of want one. Not any time soon I assure you, but it's on the long-term list.

I'm in the kind of mood where everything I lay my eyes on tonight feels like intolerable junk, unnecessary life-clutter.
I just want it all gone.
Burn it all down and start over.

Does a phoenix ever-rising from the ashes ever learn to fly?
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