The time is past for bourgeois privileges, citizen.

Jan 29, 2009 01:41

I find myself completely overwhelmed when I consider how much there is to learn in the world sometimes.
It isn't a panicky sort of overload though, as one might expect. (Or I would expect from myself I suppose...)
It is more of an excited, blissful, and inspiring sensation that washes through my synapses.

Consider simply printed books. Other than spoken language they are the oldest method of conveying information, ideas, thoughts, and knowledge.
Once the specialized product of relentless hand-copying of ancient texts deemed suitably important by those in power for centuries and centuries, then mushroomed into mass production by the incomprehensibly significant invention of the printing press.
Now there are so many avenues to publication that any human being with a manuscript of his creation may take it to any number of independent publishers and be able to instantly communicate their life, mind, and soul with anyone who may but open the front cover.

There are more books published EVERY DAY than one could conceivably read in a lifetime.
This gamut of information is simply amazing. (I don't even want to mention the internets...)

What I think is interesting is that personally I am more fixated on reading great books from past eras than most contemporary volumes. I don't know why this is, perhaps because the vast body of published works of the past have had time to settle.
Like sediments in a prospector's gold pan, the heavier, most precious of the contents have worked their way to the bottom with the passage of time and constant agitation of new readers and interpreters. Those works judged to be most influential and truly inspired have trickled down to where a modern prospector of knowledge may easily flip the pan and examine the treasures that time and patience have uncovered.
Perhaps I don't have quite the patience to sift through the constantly expanding creek bed of books as much as I should... But there are the certain gems that shine out readily from the multitude.
Regardless, it's not like I need to justify my reading choices...

Anyways, I've just been voracious in my appetite for reading lately and had some thoughts I felt like sharing.
So tell me something friends, what are some good books that you've been perusing recently?
What are some of your all-time favorites?
What books have impacted you in a life-changing way?

I think I'd like to set up some kind of book swap with anyone who might be interested. (You!)
Sort of like an informal book club, sans-meetings due to my northward isolation from most of you.
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