Jul 29, 2004 21:16
well another day passed ive been writing in this thing a lot latley i dont know why im starting to get at peace with myself if that makes sense. umm.. i kinda dont want school to start and i dont wanna go to school but a part of me wants to cause i got t.v. production and that will kick off my career hopefully.. cause thats what high school is a place to start your life..latley ive been thinking a lot and its like i want to know god is there helping people and making important desicions that god should and helping people in there path of goodness and prosperity but a part of me thinks that maybe its farfetched but i dont want to believe that part of me.. if i had one wish right now it wouldnt be money or life or to be perfect or to find a relationship or anything it would be for to want god like i do but most of all people i would want is danny i wish he could be more serious and want to go to church to learn about god and be a good christian. but wishing is like wanting it doesnt mean anything.. i hope i can go to school and even if i get in trouble i dont care people need to know about god.. i honestly think that god is making me go to fwb instead of my mom cause my mom was about to order the books for homeschooling and then she changed her mind and after that i talked to mr. don and he said maybe god wants me to go to school so i can tell people about jesus christ and i will... try anyways but something will get done.. but thats it for now im gonna do somemore thinking and pondering so i can be a good person like i want to do but if you wanna talk call me or something if u know my number or ill talk to ya on aim my screen name is modest_hello if you dont have it....
please comment if you want to know about god and if you want a closer relationship wiht him.....