warrior wishlist
barbie, little mermaid, and dora the explorer band-aids
lavender oil
one medium pair black american apparel briefs
20 tazo refresh teabags
1 medium-large safety pin
3 packets lemon-scented olive oil intensive hair treatment
1 spool thick grey thread with one thick needle
matte maroon nail polish
one pair thick mustard yellow tights
an apology
miniature whitening toothpaste just in case
an armchair (>$15)
waterproof black eyeliner
i'll see you when i get there, if i ever get there
give 5-12 dollars to this important cause, helping sick people (i.e. my clients, myself) feel better (access to resources, support). i would reallllllly appreciate being able to pay my cell phone bill (sometime?) instead of throwing down for this myself (which is kind of what i had been planning on doing, since i am so embarassed about asking for money? wtf?/but don't want to have to)