I would like to take this time to quote a badass chick,
"Now that harassing me has become a hobby for a lot of people I have gone ahead and made a list of some more constructive things these morons could do to occupy their time instead of bothering someone and obsessing over someone they claim to despise.
Fly a kite
Read a book
Learn to read
Find a mate
Play checkers
Do a crossword puzzle
Get a JOB!
Listen to music
Play an instrument
Play Video Games
Go to College
Go Swimming
See a Movie
Ride a Bike
Go to the circus
Make model cars
Wash your dog, cat {insert your animal here}
Plant a tree
Visit someone in a nursing home
Lick an electrical socket
Get a shower
Take Pictures of Nature
Collect Bottlecaps
Wash your clothes
Brush your teeth
Watch the news
Delete your Internet
Buy a gun
Shoot yourself
Did I already say get a JOB
Better yet get a life
Play pool
Paintball (yeehaw)
Finish your book report
I hope this helps you out XD <./sarcasm>"