Jul 13, 2011 13:47
ey, livejournal
things have been...eventful. some good, some bad.
on the worst side of things, one of my friends passed away from cancer monday morning. She was one of my art friends from the internet, but might as well have been someone i'd known forever and was one of the sweetest and nicest people ever, and it's been rough getting over that
i also got a text from my stepmom that my father is going into prostate surgery today. I didn't get any clarification as to if it's cancer related or not, strong chance that it is, though, since prostate cancer seems to run in the family (my grandfather got it and had it taken care of, same with my uncle semi-recently). I'm just really sick of cancer and i wouldn't wish it on the worst of my enemies
on the plus side of things, i might have found an in for a radio station job in Bellvue, WA. New radio station looking for new staff, and people to send in voice samples. Job seems to be an all-around everyone being involved sort of deal, which is sort of what i'm used to in terms of radio work
and back on the negative side of things, for the past few weeks i've been trying to get a visit to Buffalo planned to visit my old friends, but ticket prices haven't dropped a bit and i can't really afford to spend 400+ dollars on plane tickets. Well, technically i can, but for all the money i'm trying to save it's more of a financial sink than i can really make at the moment. I'm extremely frustrated because i have a week and a half of vacation coming on monday, and i was really looking forward to unwinding with my childhood friends again, like i used to.
i guess Buffalo isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but it's just frustrating that i've been trying to set this up for weeks but ticket prices just never went down
moral of story; plan trips months in advance next time.