Dec 08, 2010 12:25
It's my 26th winter, and my 24th with snow. The students are gearing up for finals week, the deans are dropping the hammers and teachers are making the phone calls home to parents. I always liked finals in high school. I enjoyed showing up to school at 9am and leaving around noon. All the classrooms would be completely silent, I was at peace and anticipating the long break. Being a teacher during finals week, however, is a little hectic. My eyes are glued to my gradebook at least 4 hours a day and my brain gets weary of the repetition of information during study sessions. The payoff will be enormous, though. I'll be off of work from Dec. 17th to Jan. 5th. Nearly a month off. I'm planning on taking time to play through a few games I've bought recently and play a few multiplayer games as well, namely Assassin's Creed II, God of War 3, Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Final Fantasy XIII (yeah, I know it sucks). Also, I plan on reacquainting myself with my old pal Netflix and fine tuning my new powerful and overclocked PC, Odin. This is not to say that I will not go out and socialize. I plan on it, but I also expect that the severe Chicago winter will keep me indoors for most of the time.
This brings me to another topic of somewhat importance. My brother lives right off the Logan Square Blue Line and he and our high school friend require a roommate. It's a gorgeous, large, exposed brick apartment with roof access for $400/mo. I am considering subletting from him starting next month (until he finds a roomie) so I can have a place to crash on the weekends and during winter break. It's all very much 'up in the air'. This all somewhat depends on Pixar's decision to take Alice as an intern. If she is not chosen, she may very well move back to Chicago. If she is sent to California...well, I don't like to think about that.