Oct 04, 2008 13:33
Totes copying Gem and making a #'d post
1) I would love to do that Pic meme, especially cuz I just got a new haircut, but I lost my camera phone and I can't :C
2) MY PSYCH GROUP, I CAN HAS? I almost had to present an ENTIRE "group" project this morning! I was literally angry with rage! The two people who were supposed to present have not shown up for the past few weeks, and only one other person who was gonna present came in. He explained 2/10 slides, I explained 8/10, not counting the works cited page. I am NEVER doing group projects again. [/lie]
The professer knows that I basically did the "group" project, with the exception of one guy who got his job done (omg ilu &heart;), so I'm not too worked about the grade. I also didn't stutter or say "like" in every sentance, which brings me to...
3)PALIN. WTF. She makes me want to ...I dunno, NOT go to Alaska EVER. I watched the two VP canidates explain their view of Roe v. Wade, and while I think Biden could've been a bit more personal about it, Palin could've looked a bit deeper than just State Rights while talking about Roe v. Wade. Its not just about abortion! She kepts stuttering and saying Like! If you are over a certain age, I don't think you should have that reflex to say "Like" in that obnoxious way. Keep it in THIS generation plz!
(also I totes agree with Biden :D )
4) Work is suckage right now. My boss is on leave, my friend is out sick indefinatly, and my other friend's son is sick and she can't come in. We are so shorthanded its stressing out everyone else, and its making it hard to deal with the children's transitions right now.
Also, its been unanimously decided that the room I work in, Toddlerland (guess which kids go there?) is the worst, toughest room to work in. GO ME.