ImpCon 2006

Mar 07, 2006 18:54

It has been fifteen long years since the fall of our great city and kingdom of Mythicara.

Since the cities gates fell, and a kingdom of magic and beauty fell to ashes. All but the common people died in the city either fighting back against the evil forces that encroached upon it or caught in the massive destruction that ensued. Out of those who survived many of our people have fallen due to the lack of protection the city walls used to provide against the violence of the outside world, but now we gather together again.

Our scattered bands of refugees have been assaulted by all manner of violent creatures, roving groups of thieves, and any creature (man or beast) that choose to benefit from our weakened state, but we have persevered.

Today marks the dawn of a new age. Where we will rebuild our great city, and find a new hope in our new home. Our disbanded tribes gather together under one banner now to succeed in this goal. A trial by fire that will prove once and for all that the will of a just people cannot be destroyed. But will we prevail against the sleeping dragon that destroyed us, or will our dream crumble as it did before? That, only we can decide.

ImpCon 2006

Interested in a Live Action Role-Playing convention that has a skill based system?
Interested in a world of medieval fantasy and high sorcery that you can actually feel at your fingertips?
Interested in meeting like-minded individuals who are just there to have fun?

Think ImpCon 2006.

Based in Grass Valley, CA. this Role-Playing Convention is built for the players by those who have attended years of the same.

Boffer Combat? Got it.
Easy to use spell casting? Got it. [and it doesn't make you sound like an idiot! ^.^]
High-Fantasy storyteling? Got it.
Great environment for players to relax and get into the game? We've got it.
Friendly, experienced gamemasters who will help you make exactly who you want to be? Still got it.

Everything you could want in a LARP without having to worry about the stuff you really don't.

Be a part of a new generation of gamer.
A solid, consistent place that will last, won't move around on you, and will always be there to play and meet new friends.

Be part of a group of adventurers and townsfolk who are building a newlife and every con, see actually buildings sprout up.

Come to our medieval township in the mountains.
Come to ImpCon2006.

Where is your world?

Gathering together on March 17th, $45.00 donation at the door required, $10.00 discount if you come in a group of five or more.
Wavers signed at the door when money is taken on Saturday the 18th. Game starts at 7:00 AM and runs until 8:00 PM on Sunday the 19th with a mass In-Character feast on the 19th at 4:00 PM.
No other food provided thought there will be snacks and drinks available for purchase on-site.
Campsites will be provided though camping gear must be brought.

Send any correspondence or questions to Corwin Parker at, reply to this post, or contact me or my staff at 1-510-857-3328.
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