I decided to build a shed recently. This is what I learned.
First of all, start off with great
shed plans. I had no idea how important that was when I began this project. Believe me, all those free shed plans scattered about online are garbage. They're half done at best, missing lots of importnat information.
Thankfully I was lucky enough to stumble across the great shed plans at
FergsBackyard.com. They were a real life saver.
Once you've got a great set of plans it's important to review them carefully and make sure you have all of the proper tools. You're going to need things like circular saws, hand saws, power drills, saw horses, and clamps. If you don't have all of those tools make sure you can borrow what you need from someone you know. There's no sense in bying a tool you'll only use once if you're not the type of person to be invloved in wood working projects on a regular basis.
Next you'll want to total up the cost of building materials and hardware to make sure this shed is within your budget. Add up all of the lumber, hinges and brackets, and things like doors and windows (if your shed calls for them). Don't forget the price of roofing materials such as shingles. Now add in paint, rollers, paint brushes, masking tape, etc. Make sure building your desired shed is within your budget.
Now, look over the plans again and account for anything you missed! Remember the old maxim, "Measure twice, cut once". They're words to live by.
Now the fun begins! Hop into your pick up truck and go to your local hardware store and or lumber yard and get all those brand spanking new supplies. It's a lot of stuff to buy. It's nice to have a friend help you out. Don't forget to ask them to help you actually build the dang thing too! Building a teriffic shed is extremely satisfying but it's also a lot of work.
When all of the hammering, sawing, nailing and painting is done there's only one step left.
Take a few steps back and admire your beautiful new shed. You did a great job!