Maintaining Self Worth

Jun 21, 2015 19:18

Undue criticisms of your partner's or spouse's habit or actions can create a strain on the relationship. gentle reproofs can stroke the ego well enough to cause a high self esteem in spite of weaknesses.

To keep that feeling of self worth, you can go out each nigh with friends to talk about your achievements of the week. these little exercises can make you feel good about yourself because it focuses on your victories not your losses. There has been a recorded link between the increase in the rate of teenage crime and parental neglect, which only goes to show how important parents are in the lives of their children.

Our attitudes are factors that determine how much confidence we have in our lives. how you respond to a particular situation matters and can have you feeling good or bad.

When you are feeling blue, a cozy afternoon or evening spent watching your favorite television show or movie can do wonders for you and has the ability to make you feel better. Punishing a child can give rise to a series of bitter emotions such as resentment or anger and may rob the child joy, be sure to be gentle in your discipline of a child to avoid this.

Self esteem has nothing to do with looks and has everything to do with the way you think and feel about yourself. feeling good about yourself is a natural beauty enhancement already. While you may be extremely good in some areas, you may fumble in others. knowing the areas you are quite skilled in handling make it possible for you to build up your confidence and exploit those areas you are weak in.

Making a decision and doing nothing about it erodes your feelings of self worth quickly because you subconsciously despise yourself for your inability to take action. so, take action to make your decision and actuality.
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