(no subject)

Apr 24, 2011 00:35

I keep missing days, so here's two days together again. I thought morning sickness was supposed to be done by the time I was this far along!

Day 16 - Post up all the sites you use.

I'm guessing this is on a daily basis, so here's my top 5 just for simplification.

Hotmail/Gmail (Work and personal emails)

Facebook (Gotta keep up with everyone)

The Bank's website (Do a lot of online shopping)

Skype (Talking to relatives in Austria/modelling contacts)

Various celebrity gossip websites (Sue me, I like them)

Day 17 - 3 turn on’s and off’s.

Oh god, well I said I'd finish this so here goes


Accents (Especially French ones)

Blue eyes

Being taller than I am (I'm small, I like a man being bigger than I am)


Smoking (Kissing a smoker is GROSS)

Being skinny (This is why I never dated male models. Call me a hypocrite, but they're all too tiny. A man's supposed to be a MAN not be skinner than me)
Being rude (Seriously, if you're going to answer your phone five times during dinner, get out of my face)


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