Feb 02, 2012 09:33
Well it has been ages since I have logged into to LJ. Since I find myself with plenty of free time for the next few days I wanted to jot down a little thought "paper”.
Why is it that when you leave a job people always ask if you are going on to something “bigger and better”? Maybe I am just odd or different in my thoughts that changes or moves in life do not need to be bigger and better. My current job, which I am leaving in less than two weeks, has taught me that I don’t need to make more money or chase the all mighty dollar. Working 60 hours a week and on the weekends just does not appeal to me. I am very content to make enough to live off of, do my hobbies and put some in savings. Yet people nowdays tend to give up their personal lives and time with their family and friends to work their lives away. It feels like such a waste.
So if anyone out there is still reading this I will leave you with his question.
Why do people think that bigger is better ? I think most of us are missing out on the joy of living simply