Yes, A VERY Long Survey... Took Me About 30 Minutes To Think...miroku79February 20 2005, 00:43:24 UTC
I n F o R m A t I o N .:. name: James Thomas Hoon Li Polony .:. single or taken: Single, for the most part... .:. sex: Male .:. birthday: May 11, 1989 .:. siblings: Sister .:. hair color: Black .:. eye color: Black .:. shoe size: 9 1/2 .:. height: 5'5 or 5'6 (short, sadly)
R e L a T i O n S h I p S .:. who is your best friend?: Male or Female? .:. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Didn't we already clarify this..?
F a S h I o N .:. where is your favorite place to shop: Spencer's .:. any tattoos or piercings: No, and I don't plan to... It's cool to look at, as long as they're not on me...
S p E c I f I c S .:. do you do drugs?: Nope, as much as many people don't believe me... .:. what kind of shampoo do you use?: Dove, or Finesse .:. what are you most scared of?: God .:. who is the last person that called you?: Jackie .:. where do you want to get married?: Well, I would prefer something in the middle of a deep, vast forest, with a large lake in the middle of a clearing of trees... The entire lake would be crystal clear, and the same shallow walking height the whole length across... In the center, would've been what seemed to be a large Greek, or Aztec-type collection of temple ruins, which would be best defined as an island with sandstone flooring, with large stone pillars, and what seemed to be a semi-maze of stone walls and tablets, and the whole interior was scattered with vines of ivy... The whole place had no roof, so you could see the pure, white clouds in the clear, blue sky reflecting the warm, radiant rays of the bright sun off of their silver lining... Unbelievably beautiful if you guys could picture it in the way I am right now... .:. how many buddies are online right now?: Well, if my AIM wasn't broken right now, I'd guess the usual 25-30 .:. what would you change about yourself?: My face, my voice, my height to about 5'7, my eyesight, my acting, my hair, my deafness on the left side, my default intelligence, my political differences, my dreams, my paranoia, my thoughts, my tastes in different genres, basically almost everything, eh..?
F a V o R i T e S .:. color: Silver .:. food: Good question... Lots of it... .:. boys names: Ven'Gyr, Tristan, Dante, Artemis, Kratos .:. girls names: Trinity, Serenity, Collette, Devinne, Raine .:. subjects in school: Leaving .:. animals: Foxes, turtles, or hamsters... I dunno... .:. sports: Tennis or track... I dunno either...
H a V e Y o U e V e R .:. given anyone a bath?: Uh... No? .:. smoked?: Nope .:. bungee jumped?: No .:. made yourself throw up?: No .:. skinny dipped?: No .:. ever been in love?: ...Possibly...... .:. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: What do you think..? I am an actor, remind yourself... .:. pictured your crush naked?: Haven't we all..? No? Oh... uh... This is awkward... LoL... .:. actually seen your crush naked?: (cough)... Geez, how personal are we going to get with this..? .:. cried when someone died?: No... It sounds mean, I know... I'm sorry... And yet I've cried over other stuff... .:. lied: Yes .:. fallen for your best friend?: At one point, yes... .:. been rejected?: But of course! I wouldn't be James if I hadn't been rejected... .:. rejected someone?: I tried several times, but I can't usually do that to people... .:. used someone?: To get what exactly..? Once or twice before, in my past life (Last year) .:. done something you regret?: At least once a day...
C u R r E n T .:.clothes: Black .:. music: Nightwish .:. make-up: Uh... No, and I'm sorry, but I don't like guys who wear it, either... Unless I was already friends with them before they started to... .:. annoyance: Myself .:. smell: Cinnamon Altoid strips in my pocket... (how the smell covers my whole body, I don't know... Probably from being in my pants that I haven't worn in a week, just sitting there) .:. favorite group: Nightwish or Sonicflood... LoL, Gothic v.s. Christian... .:. desktop picture: Sango and Miroku .:. book youre reading: Eragon .:. in cd player: Azn Abstraction .:. in dvd player: Family Guy: The Freakin' Sweet Collection...
Re: Yes, A VERY Long Survey... Took Me About 30 Minutes To Think...miroku79February 20 2005, 00:45:53 UTC
A r E y O u .:. understanding: Yes .:. open-minded: Somewhat .:. arrogant: Rarely .:. insecure: Always .:. interesting: To most people, for some reason... .:. random: Not PINEAPPLE really, no... .:. hungry: Actually, yes, I am... .:. smart: Smarter than most, last time I checked, I just never applied myself before, so I don't know what trying's like... .:. moody: Depends, I have swings ever after full moons, so there... idiots. .:. hard working: At what, exactly..? .:. organized: With what, exactly..? .:. healthy: More than people believe... .:. shy: Yes, but nobody notices that part of me... .:. difficult: Yes, but break the barrier, and it's smooth sailing from there... But only two people have... .:. bored easily: Depends what I'm doing or watching... .:. messy: Depends on what it is... .:. obsessed: With..?
R a N d O m .:.In the morning i am: Awake .:. all i need is: Money... Terrible thing to say, I know... .:. love is: The Lord Jesus Christ, but, there's so many kinds of love... I've been afraid of all of them... Sad, I know that too... .:. I dream about: You DON'T want to know
O p P o S i T e .:. what do you notice first: Eyes, then height, because I find it funny and kinda cute when they're short... .:. last person you slow danced with: Aleisha .:. worst question to ask: Depends if you're asking a girl or a whore... .:. makes you laugh the most: Random abstractness... Or just Stephen Lynch, for that matter... .:. makes you smile: (sigh)... Fake smile or real smile..? .:. who do you have a crush on: Well, depends once I figure out the difference between crush, love, and flirt... All I know is, I can't be a helpless romantic... That's Michael Lynn's job...
D o Y o U
.:. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: Not anymore... .:. wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: ...For a day, perhaps... .:. wish you were younger: Once I hit 22, then yes, I will... .:. cried because someone said something to you?: ..............
N u M b E r .:. of times i have had my heart broken: Truly broken..? Twice, I'd say... .:. of girls ive kissed: 3, not including Kasey, but that was just the "SummerFantasy"... .:. of continents i have lived in: 2 .:. of tight friends: Around 10, perhaps... If not a few more... .:. of cds i own: At least 22 .:. of scars on my body: 2, I think... Maybe one more...
F i N a L q U e S t I o N s .:. do you like fillings these out?: I'm running on a tight schedule tonight, but I'll be done before I leave... Other than tonight, yes, I would do this for a living to get paid... .:. gold or silver: Silver .:. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: White Noise .:. favorite cartoon/anime?: Inuyasha or Lupin the III... Maybe Yu Yu Hakusho .:. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: KFC .:. who would you love being locked in a room with?: If it was girl, I'd say Alexa Reyes, since it would be a perfect place to kick each other's asses with whatever chairs are in there... because she's insane like that... And besides, I've always pictured us one day doing that... If it were a guy, probably Antonio Banderas... LOVE that guy... Or maybe just Michael Lynn, because that's going to happen one day anyways, most likely, knowing our luck... .:. could you live without your computer?: If I didn't have the music on Ares, yes, I would... Music always plays in my mind, and if music dies, so will I... .:. would you color your hair?: If I were able to naturally have the power to change my hair to silver, back to black, and black with blood red tips, then yes... I would... It would save me money to have a power like that... .:. could you ever get off the computer?: Yeah, of course... I'm not an android... .:. habla espanol?: ninguno, mi amigo... (Don't make me get out the "Idiot to English" dictionary to find out what you're saying... .:. how many people are on your buddy list?: 200 .:. drink alcohol?: Nope
For opposite sex only: .:. If I asked you would you go out with me?: No comment... .:. 1-10 my looks (this is always my worst question to ask): No comment... .:. Who am I thinking about right now?: No com- yeah, you get the picture...
.:. name: James Thomas Hoon Li Polony
.:. single or taken: Single, for the most part...
.:. sex: Male
.:. birthday: May 11, 1989
.:. siblings: Sister
.:. hair color: Black
.:. eye color: Black
.:. shoe size: 9 1/2
.:. height: 5'5 or 5'6 (short, sadly)
R e L a T i O n S h I p S
.:. who is your best friend?: Male or Female?
.:. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Didn't we already clarify this..?
F a S h I o N
.:. where is your favorite place to shop: Spencer's
.:. any tattoos or piercings: No, and I don't plan to... It's cool to look at, as long as they're not on me...
S p E c I f I c S
.:. do you do drugs?: Nope, as much as many people don't believe me...
.:. what kind of shampoo do you use?: Dove, or Finesse
.:. what are you most scared of?: God
.:. who is the last person that called you?: Jackie
.:. where do you want to get married?: Well, I would prefer something in the middle of a deep, vast forest, with a large lake in the middle of a clearing of trees... The entire lake would be crystal clear, and the same shallow walking height the whole length across... In the center, would've been what seemed to be a large Greek, or Aztec-type collection of temple ruins, which would be best defined as an island with sandstone flooring, with large stone pillars, and what seemed to be a semi-maze of stone walls and tablets, and the whole interior was scattered with vines of ivy... The whole place had no roof, so you could see the pure, white clouds in the clear, blue sky reflecting the warm, radiant rays of the bright sun off of their silver lining... Unbelievably beautiful if you guys could picture it in the way I am right now...
.:. how many buddies are online right now?: Well, if my AIM wasn't broken right now, I'd guess the usual 25-30
.:. what would you change about yourself?: My face, my voice, my height to about 5'7, my eyesight, my acting, my hair, my deafness on the left side, my default intelligence, my political differences, my dreams, my paranoia, my thoughts, my tastes in different genres, basically almost everything, eh..?
F a V o R i T e S
.:. color: Silver
.:. food: Good question... Lots of it...
.:. boys names: Ven'Gyr, Tristan, Dante, Artemis, Kratos
.:. girls names: Trinity, Serenity, Collette, Devinne, Raine
.:. subjects in school: Leaving
.:. animals: Foxes, turtles, or hamsters... I dunno...
.:. sports: Tennis or track... I dunno either...
H a V e Y o U e V e R
.:. given anyone a bath?: Uh... No?
.:. smoked?: Nope
.:. bungee jumped?: No
.:. made yourself throw up?: No
.:. skinny dipped?: No
.:. ever been in love?: ...Possibly......
.:. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: What do you think..? I am an actor, remind yourself...
.:. pictured your crush naked?: Haven't we all..? No? Oh... uh... This is awkward... LoL...
.:. actually seen your crush naked?: (cough)... Geez, how personal are we going to get with this..?
.:. cried when someone died?: No... It sounds mean, I know... I'm sorry... And yet I've cried over other stuff...
.:. lied: Yes
.:. fallen for your best friend?: At one point, yes...
.:. been rejected?: But of course! I wouldn't be James if I hadn't been rejected...
.:. rejected someone?: I tried several times, but I can't usually do that to people...
.:. used someone?: To get what exactly..? Once or twice before, in my past life (Last year)
.:. done something you regret?: At least once a day...
C u R r E n T
.:.clothes: Black
.:. music: Nightwish
.:. make-up: Uh... No, and I'm sorry, but I don't like guys who wear it, either... Unless I was already friends with them before they started to...
.:. annoyance: Myself
.:. smell: Cinnamon Altoid strips in my pocket... (how the smell covers my whole body, I don't know... Probably from being in my pants that I haven't worn in a week, just sitting there)
.:. favorite group: Nightwish or Sonicflood... LoL, Gothic v.s. Christian...
.:. desktop picture: Sango and Miroku
.:. book youre reading: Eragon
.:. in cd player: Azn Abstraction
.:. in dvd player: Family Guy: The Freakin' Sweet Collection...
.:. understanding: Yes
.:. open-minded: Somewhat
.:. arrogant: Rarely
.:. insecure: Always
.:. interesting: To most people, for some reason...
.:. random: Not PINEAPPLE really, no...
.:. hungry: Actually, yes, I am...
.:. smart: Smarter than most, last time I checked, I just never applied myself before, so I don't know what trying's like...
.:. moody: Depends, I have swings ever after full moons, so there... idiots.
.:. hard working: At what, exactly..?
.:. organized: With what, exactly..?
.:. healthy: More than people believe...
.:. shy: Yes, but nobody notices that part of me...
.:. difficult: Yes, but break the barrier, and it's smooth sailing from there... But only two people have...
.:. bored easily: Depends what I'm doing or watching...
.:. messy: Depends on what it is...
.:. obsessed: With..?
R a N d O m
.:.In the morning i am: Awake
.:. all i need is: Money... Terrible thing to say, I know...
.:. love is: The Lord Jesus Christ, but, there's so many kinds of love... I've been afraid of all of them... Sad, I know that too...
.:. I dream about: You DON'T want to know
O p P o S i T e
.:. what do you notice first: Eyes, then height, because I find it funny and kinda cute when they're short...
.:. last person you slow danced with: Aleisha
.:. worst question to ask: Depends if you're asking a girl or a whore...
.:. makes you laugh the most: Random abstractness... Or just Stephen Lynch, for that matter...
.:. makes you smile: (sigh)... Fake smile or real smile..?
.:. who do you have a crush on: Well, depends once I figure out the difference between crush, love, and flirt... All I know is, I can't be a helpless romantic... That's Michael Lynn's job...
D o Y o U
.:. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: Not anymore...
.:. wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: ...For a day, perhaps...
.:. wish you were younger: Once I hit 22, then yes, I will...
.:. cried because someone said something to you?: ..............
N u M b E r
.:. of times i have had my heart broken: Truly broken..? Twice, I'd say...
.:. of girls ive kissed: 3, not including Kasey, but that was just the "SummerFantasy"...
.:. of continents i have lived in: 2
.:. of tight friends: Around 10, perhaps... If not a few more...
.:. of cds i own: At least 22
.:. of scars on my body: 2, I think... Maybe one more...
F i N a L q U e S t I o N s
.:. do you like fillings these out?: I'm running on a tight schedule tonight, but I'll be done before I leave... Other than tonight, yes, I would do this for a living to get paid...
.:. gold or silver: Silver
.:. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: White Noise
.:. favorite cartoon/anime?: Inuyasha or Lupin the III... Maybe Yu Yu Hakusho
.:. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: KFC
.:. who would you love being locked in a room with?: If it was girl, I'd say Alexa Reyes, since it would be a perfect place to kick each other's asses with whatever chairs are in there... because she's insane like that... And besides, I've always pictured us one day doing that... If it were a guy, probably Antonio Banderas... LOVE that guy... Or maybe just Michael Lynn, because that's going to happen one day anyways, most likely, knowing our luck...
.:. could you live without your computer?: If I didn't have the music on Ares, yes, I would... Music always plays in my mind, and if music dies, so will I...
.:. would you color your hair?: If I were able to naturally have the power to change my hair to silver, back to black, and black with blood red tips, then yes... I would... It would save me money to have a power like that...
.:. could you ever get off the computer?: Yeah, of course... I'm not an android...
.:. habla espanol?: ninguno, mi amigo... (Don't make me get out the "Idiot to English" dictionary to find out what you're saying...
.:. how many people are on your buddy list?: 200
.:. drink alcohol?: Nope
For opposite sex only:
.:. If I asked you would you go out with me?: No comment...
.:. 1-10 my looks (this is always my worst question to ask): No comment...
.:. Who am I thinking about right now?: No com- yeah, you get the picture...
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