Jul 21, 2005 11:04
It is my sincere hope that my friends will once again be able to trust me and realize that I have changed. It isn't of my own volition or anything that I have really done. The God whom I serve is amazing and for so long I've pushed Him out of the picture. So all I was, was a shell of the man that I could be.
On a side note, someone was very kind to me yesterday. They said that I looked good with my glasses on. In all my years of junior high and senior high I have never gotten a comment about me looking good with my glasses on. The only real compliment about me looking good, was when my glasses were off. So for the longest time, that's how I thought I could be more accepted.
About college, I still have a passion to work with theatre and with teenagers. But I am not sure how that could be a career. An accountant seems like something solid. But on the missions trip one of the speakers said that he was a well do to electrian for like twenty five years. But he wasn't following God, so one day, tripped on a ladder and lost part of his memory. He is now living in New York and loving kids and people that love kids.
The Jesus I once knew. I realize that life isn't always about being the loudest or the most energetic. In fact, as Aleisha (whom some of you affectionately call LeLe) once said, God also works in the silence. So I got to do my devotions today and I read the first part of Philippians 3. And the verse that really stuck out to me was verse eight.
Philippians 3:8, What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.
It goes on to say that the best things that I could produce are like garbage, compared to knowing God. It seems like in my life, when I have tried to do things my way in my own power, I lost everything. I lost my friends, my happiness, and even my dreams.
But a man is not a fool who gives everything he has to gain what he cannot lose.
My goal, my dream now, is not girls, or being the romantic that everyone dreams of. Don't get me wrong, I still like romance movies and The Notebook is still my favorite book, well other than Philippians. But my desire is to know God better. Because I don't know a girl who would die so I could live. But I know a God who has already done that.
I pray that you all forgive me for the stains that I have made on the name Christian and I hope you will realize that I am a human and I fail. But God doesn't fail or make mistakes. I don't quite understand it all, but that is part of the joy of living.
Yes, I am trying to post in livejournal more, mainly because other than lj, I don't see most of you in person anymore. If you are a praying individual, I would ask that you pray for me. Pray that I continually realize how great my God is and that I don't get off track.
On the missions trip I realized the answer to who am I...
Who am I?
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Won't you catch me when I'm falling
And tell who I am...
I am Yours
Love is never something you can explain
Words fail and minds falter
But there is no greater love than this
Than a man lying down his life for his enemy
So when I say I love you
What I say is true
God helps me to love
And I love enough to die to save you
For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain