crazy dreams.. and bryan's coming home! yay!

Nov 04, 2004 13:48

So I had this dream that i was fishing (i've never fished in my life) at this pond or small lake or something and i catch this HUGE shark and like fling it over my shoulder and it bites my ankle i guess because i have this huge, deep scratch on it... then i guess this shark like swallowed this girl and she had a huge bit mark on her ankle too.

then i'm at this party that Julie throws at her house because her mom's out of town (when in real life her mom is in prison in Alabama) and i hang out there, and afterwards i'm showing my mom pictures and there is this HUGE lke REALLY TALL pretty blue bong, and my mom just laughs?????


To dream that you are fishing, indicates that you are confronting and bringing your repressed emotions to the surface. In particular, to dream that you are ice fishing, suggests that you are breaking through a hardened emotional barrier and confronting difficult feelings from your unconscious

Fishing Rod

To see a fishing rod in your dream, represents your quest and exploration of your unconscious mind. You are ready to confront issues and emotions which you have suppressed


To see a shark in your dream, represents a person whom you see as greedy and unscrupulous. This person goes after what what he or she wants with no regards to the well-being and sensitivity of others. The shark may also be an aspect of your own personality which exhibit these qualities. Alternatively, you may be going through a difficult, painful, or unpleasant emotional period. The shark symbolizes feelings of anger, hostility, and fierceness. You may be an emotional threat to yourself or to others.


To see bites in your dream, forewarns of danger from someone who has wished you harm, either physical or monetary. Be careful of people who surround you.

To dream that you are being bitten, represents your vulnerability regarding your unresolved issues emotions. You may be pestered by a problem or obstacle.


To dream about your ankles, indicates that you are seeking support and direction in your life. Ask yourself where you want to be headed.


To see a pond in your dream, represents tranquility and desire for more quiet time to yourself. It is a time to reflect on your situation and what is going on in your life. Alternatively, it suggests that you keep your feelings contained and in check. You are experiencing and emotional calm in your life.


To see a lake in your dream, signifies your emotional state of mind. If the lake is clear and calm, then it symbolize your inner peace. If the lake is disturbed, then you may be going through some emotional turmoil.


To dream that you are at a party, suggests that you need to get out more and enjoy yourself


To see a picture in your dream, symbolizes a mental imprint that remains persistent in your mind. There may be permanence in your actions. Also consider the pun on "picture this" or "seeing the big picture" in a situation (haha, a mental imprint about how much of a pothead i had become)


To see your mother in your dream, represents the nurturing aspect of your own character. Mothers offer shelter, comfort, life, guidance and protection. To dream that you are having a conversation with your mother, denotes a matter that has preoccupied your mind and you are not sure how to deal with it in your waking life. It indicates unresolved problems that still need to be worked out with your mother. (you mean ask my mom how ican stop being a pothead?)


To see, smell or use marijuana in your dream, suggests that you are experiencing an expanded sense of awareness and consciousness. You need to take advantage and draw insight from this new consciousness. The dream may also mean that you need to look on your inner strength for stimulation instead of relying on outside forces (well, i have been paying attention to the news A LOT and gaining a much beter understanding of why we're so hated)


Blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. The presence of this color in your dream, may symbolize your spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. You have clarity of mind

The only reason that bong was in my dream i think is because i haven't been smoking except on the weekends, and maybe it's my subconciousl wanting to get high! haha.. i don't know.. i think that the fishing thing is right, i have begun to deal with a lot of my issues, i'm working on it... and some of them have come to surface.... I"m kind of concerned about what is going to happen at the end of the month when it marks the two year anniversary of, well, you know... the abortion or whatever. i hope that's not about to come to surface!haha! ummm... and the shark biting my ankles... so going after what i want with no regard to others.. and then it bites my ankle... which is my longing for support and direction??? my greediness and no regard to the feeling of others hinders me from having support and direction? well that can only be the situation with me and julie and i do think that Julie is selfish and has no regard to my feelings, and i'm beginning to deal with that unlike the last few months when i just sat around and was inwardly pissed off about it. that makes sense. and the fac tthat the shark bites me, well julie probably IS wishing harm on me right now! haha! and i am pestered by her not regarding my emotions.. so yeah, there you go

I only say the NC thing because las night me and Brandon had a conversatoin about the long term. He said something about how when he's back from Afghanistan or whatever, it's like what now? because he HAS thought about what it would be lke to make a future with me but at the same time he's like what, we never live near eachother until everything is said and done? and that is exactly what i have thought about.. like i'm not going to marry someone i've never even lived int he same town as, because it doesn't seem smart, and that i know the only thing we can do is all on me, and that i would have to be the one to sacrifice and move to where he is... not that that has anything to do with the dream, haha, but you know.

We just said that it was something we'd have to think about once he gets back.. and i mean i will be 21 by then, so maybe i will have a different perspective on the situation... I don't know, hopefully by then I'd be ready to almost graduate college, maybe another year or so, and i decided not to join ROTC, so maybe i would just move up there for like a year, and get a job and support myself (though i'm not sure if i'd be able to, that's osmething only time will tell)and then see how things are, and i'd still joing the airforce regardless of how things work out, and if everything is still good then we would see what happens, but that is still ike a few years away, so i'm not really going to think about that now! =)

BY THE WAY!!!!! Bryan is getting stationed at Fort Hood ( i think tha'ts in Kileen, i know it's like an hour and a half away)and he'll be ther enext wednesday! YAY!!!!!!!! that makes me so happy! Cuz then i'll be able to see him pretty frequently and he won't have to use all his leave to come visit! woohoo! that was a very exciting thing for me when i found out! I was told the probability of him going overseas sooner rather than later is higher at Fort Hood, but Bryan doesn't seem to think so, so i guess we'll see! let's hope not, but we'll have to see!

That's all for now! love yous!

drama, friends, brandon, dreams

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