damn, poor bryan

Oct 28, 2004 13:44


so i just got a very heart wrenching phone call from mr. bryan ortega...

While he was in basic he hurt himself pretty badly. His knee started bothering him about the 2nd or 3rd week of basic. (keep in mind that he was in basic and his ait training since June 18th) So his knee has been hurting about 4 months. WHile he was in basic he also rolled his ankle, but that was like a month after he started.

so he made it through basic, and his knee was a very big complaint of his... he made it through, but i know that it stood out in my mind that his knee was hurt, so i'm guessing he voiced his concern about it pretty frequently.

But he graduated anyway and we are all SO FREAKING proud of him! MY bryan joined the freakin army!!!!!!!!!!! If you had told me that 7 years ago i would have said no way! haha!

So then he went to airborne school.. and oh my freaking goodness you have NO idea how proud of him i am! haha! the boy is DEATHLY afraid of heights!

So the first week he was there, he rolled his ankle again. So he was recycled (which means he has to go to the NEXT class so he has time to heal up) which was cool, cuz that meant just a couple weeks and he's back at it.

So he went again, and everythign had been going good! his knee was really really hurting him though, more so than in basic, and his ankle wasn't completely healed, but he kept on truckin!

He made it through a 4 mile run and through all kinds of strenuous running and physical exertions. he was in a lot of pain, but he kept on going, because he wanted it so bad!

Well i just got a call from a distraught bryan ortega. and he was dropped from airone school. =(

oh man, my heart just sank into my stomach. My mind starts spinning a million miles per second... what do i even say to make him feel better? where do i even start?

So he tells me that the pain in his ankle and knee became to much to bear, so he finally broke down and went to the doctor. (PLEASE keep in mind that he has been in pain for nearly 3 1/2 months, and that he has been exeritng EXTREME physical strain on himself, probably makinghis injuries worse than they orginally were.) And the doctor tells him he has a bad stress fracture in his ankle and torn cartilage in his knee.

so that means he doesn't get to finish airborne school and he has to wait 6 months before he can go back and try it again.

oh man... what to say? I don' twant to tell him it's not a big deal, because it is. and i don't want to tell him there's always next time, because even though there is, it doesn't matter. I don't fully understand it, but being airborne or whatever has this EXTREME degree of pride, i would even venture to call it hubris. I haven't really experienced this first hand or anything, but Brandon has told me all about it, and i know that whenever "being airborne" is brought up, people's jaws like drop and they have sort of this reverant awe or something. i don't know, i guess there is just an excessive amount of pride related to being airborne... and when i say excessive i mean EXCESSIVE. MOST, read MOST of the people who are airborne are like really full of themselves, well that's what i've gathered from some of the military guys in my classes and from what brandon tells me....

So needless to say, I know that Bryan's pride is hurt.... and Bryan has a lot of pride ANYWAY, so i know that he is really hurting right now... i know that this is a very low blow to him... and he sounds very distraught.

it like breaks my heart, i don't know what to say to him, i have no idea what he is feeling right now. i mean i can give him all the optimism in the world, but it's still not going to make him feel better.

So i tried to look for the good, though there isn't much. and i told him that atleast it's better that he take care of it now instead of getting to the actual jump and hurting himself even worse in the landing and not being able to jump after that. not that that helps much, but it is the only brighter side to the situation.

i just know that he must be so frustrated and so diappointed. i mean he busted his ass, gave it everything he could, PLUS he was injured during all of this. He made 4 mile runs, he did long ass road marches, as far as airborne is concerned he made it through the most physical grueling part, and next week he was going to get to jump... and that just sucks man... my heart just aches for him.. he's so down... and bless his heart, he is trying his hardest to be upbeat and optimistic. and he's really really trying not to be down about it, but you can just hear it in his voice... it just sucks.

i mean, he'll get to try it again, but i just know that now his morale is kind of low, and he's been away from home for a long time, and he just needs a pick me up, and he's not really going to get one.. and i don' tkno wwhat to say or do to make him feel better... and there aren't many times in the last 7 years that he has been upset like this, and it breaks my heart that i cna't make him feel better...

i just iwsh there was something i could do.. but i'll think of something clever or creative.. so we'll see. so, pray for bryan yall! that's all for now.

military, drama, bryan

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