Sep 17, 2004 10:54

so.. i just read my comments from Misty and Hollie and i friggin love those girls! they are the best... and VERY good advice givers, or atleast make me think of things in a positive light!

So i talked to Brandon briefly yesterday but my DAMN NEXTEL SUCKS and kept hanging up on him! ahhhhh! and then it hung up again, and he didn't call back, but it was like the 5th time it did it or something so that BLOWS! but atleast i got to talk to him, so i ca't complain TOO much. Really he just got my input about what i think he should do with his leave. He told me the different ways he could take it and i told him that I thought he should still come in October, but not stay for the full 14 days, and he said that he would prolly stay the 1st through the 10th and then in late December he would take leave and be here for a little longer than 4 days... and that's not too bad. atleast i get to see him like three more times! and i liked Misty's advice, haha, it actually made me laugh. =) But yeah, everything is good, nothing new, i am still as crazy about him as ever! and i just can't friggin wait until he comes home! it's like two weeks from today! YAY!

ummm.. other than that.. just work and school. Roger came and visited me at work because he skipped school and had nothing better to do. it was nice to see him, it's probably been like a month or more since i saw him last. we just talked and caught up, he seems to be doing pretty good and he's dating the Berry's cousin and seems happy! He showed me a picture, i don't know her, but he seems to like her a lot, so that's good for him. haha, he told me that she knows how badly he cheated on me and she called him on it! haha sucka! i guess she told him "i hear you have a problem being faithful to your girlfriends?" HAHA! and she was like how do i know you won't do that to me? and roger said he was like "UHHHHHHH...... you don't?" haha that makes me laugh. lol. sucks for him! and then he made a comment and i was just thinking to myself.. DAMN ROGER IS AN ASS! i guess his girl he's dating or whatever is a virgin and hasn't really ever messed around with anyone, and i asked him if he thought they'd be together for a long time, and he was like i dont' know, because i know myself and there are a lot of options... and i was like what do you mean "options" and he was like i don' tknow, ther'es a lot of girls who i know WOULD do it, and i just don't know.... i was just thinking in my head "are you serious?" Glad i got rid of that loser! ugh! Brandon doesn't mind that we aren't sleeping together! in fact he feels the same way i do! haha two complete opposite ends of the spectrum! Like Brandon is the BEST and Roger is an asshole! =) But he asked me how my trip to NC was, and i told him that it went really well and that i'm really happy and that i'm pretty sure we're going to be together for a long time! and he asked me if he had heard anything else about getting deployed and i told him yeah, he just had heard offically what his orders were, and he was like that sucks sam.. and i was like yeah i don't know, it's going to be pretty hard, but i care about him a lot so i'm gonna try it. and he was just like don't worry about it sam, i'm sure that yall will be fine, you're a good girl, and i've heard from other people that he's a good guy, and yall will make it, it'll all work out. and i was just like yeah, you're right.... it will be okay! so that's good, not that i need his support, but nice to have it.

ahhhhh! work SUCKS today! i don' tknow why i'm so short tempered but all these damn callers are really friggin ignorant or just plain stupid, i can't tell! i hate show days! grrrrrrr!

anyway... so i went to algebra... not bad, i'm understanding so far, but then again we JUST started chapter one, so we'll see how it goes.. THen i went to astronomy and my prof was at some convention in Japan or something and out SI tried to get us to watch some movie but you couldn't even understand the words, so he dismissed us early! BAD ASS!

so i just went home, chilled, and travis and julie came by and we watched the Punisher. It was really good, i enjoyed it. A lot of action for those of yall who enjoy that sort of thing... and i was impressed with Rebecca Romaijn or however you spell it, she was actually believeable in that movie.

But tha's about it! I'm not going to Corpus anymore unfortunately because we still haven't heard anything about my great grandma's funeral, and i don' twant to be in corpus and then find out i have to drive to mississippi on sunday... SO i'm staying here, which is alright cuz i need to clean house anyway. AND Candace is driving into town from Corpus tonight SOOOO i get to see her and i think we are gonna go to the Quarry and watch movies or soemthing. atleast something out of the norm for a lil bit!

But I guess that that is all! Hopefully i get to talk to Brandon! But i prolly won't tonight, atleast i don't think i will for some reason. But he has a long time off during the day tomorrow SOOOOO HOPEFULLY i get to talk to him for a lil while! other than that i am a busy bee this weekend runnin errands but the internet at my apartment is FINALLY working SOOOO yall will get to see more of me! i love you!

brandon, roger

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