another day aother dollar

Jul 15, 2004 09:25

so yesterday i worked.. nothing new.. they had me entering incident reports into the comp for several hours... not hard work.. just like bitch work... and time consuming.. but whatever... they are giving me all the little tasks that no one wants to do... but then again, i guess that has always been my specialty right? it's cool though, i am slowly learning the ins and outs and i'm sure that as time goes by they will give me more and more responsibility, which is good... helps me learn things.. haha... and me and jessica have Fed Ex, Airborne, and UPS shipping orders down! hahah.... that was interesting, haha, but we figured it out!they told me yesterday that probably starting October that i will get my hours cut to 20 hours a week.. that sucks.. and that by Nov. 1, that's it.. but Gabrina did say that they can get me a side job at the SBC or something... but that is still only like an extra $100 a month prolly.... and i'm gonna need more than that... but i guess i will start next month looking for another job.. :sigh: that's when things are going to get hard and i get my first taste of really doing this on my own... i need to start saving money... and right now, i spend about $100 a month on Starbucks.. and about $200 on pot... so i am going to cut starbucks to one a week =) and cut the pot situation in half i believe... and see if that gets me anywhere....

so i got off work, and blaine had called, so i went by there for a little bit and just kicked it... nothing out of the norm.. he asked me about roger... and i didn't tell him the ENTIRE truth.. but i told him that we are friends and hang out sometimes and that things are okay but that we are never going to be exclusive again, which all of that is true.. i just left out some minor details =) haha.. and i talked to him about roger coming to the apartment and how i don't want any tension.. and i told blaine that i told roger that blaine wouldn't beat his ass unless he gave blaine a reason... and blaine nodded when i told him, so i think that it is a good sign.. but then again he could've just been doing that silent ' id didn't technically answer you' thing.. but i don' tthink so.. i feel like blaine has enough respect for me and all that i have experienced with roger not to be like that... so it's good....

so i talked to brandon for like 45 minutes and didn't get off with him until i was walking through the front door of his house =)i miss him terribly... i never would have imagined that i would miss him like this.. it's so strange to me... today he is the first day he actually gets to go to his unit, which is good for him because the people in his unit are the people he is going to be working with on a daily basis and the people that will be in the barracks with him and all.. these are the people who are eventually going to be his boys.... so basically, it's like moving, and these are the people he is going to establish his life with and incorporate into his life.. he also gets to meet his supervisor.. and we are both crossing our fingers that he won't get someone who is all hua hua and a dick... so i am praying for him, hopefully he will be in a good spot...he told me that he is so happy he is going to be out of reception and that he won't have to sleep around like 30 guys anymore... haha, he said there were some females there, but that all his buddies are married so he doesn't really have a wing man... lol, but i told him i'm sure he'll meet one so it's okay.....

realization i had yesterday: the Goggan's are good parents.. they raised some very level headed, self confident, independent, honest boys... (well the younger two anyway) =)i hope that one day when i have kids that i do a good job like that.... they both remind me of my dad in certain ways, like as far as work ethic and determination and stuff like that.. i know, i know.. i brag on them a lot.. but i really haven't met any guys like them... but one day!

so i just hung out and chilled for awhile.... birdwell called and said that they were going to the movies so i was like tight... roger called me like ten minutes later, but i already had plans... so i went to matt's and it was me, him, gerald!, and james... we went to live oka and saw dodgeball... good.. pretty funny.... but no distinct point really....the main actor.. i don't know his name... haha, but i liked his character in the movie... haha, i wish i could be like that under pressure...

i just got my check... ugh... $507... good, but if i'm going to have my hours cut to 20 it's not going to be enough to help me save.... ugh..... don't want to think abotu that cuz i'm going to get frustrated....

so nothing else interesting.. candace told me that her and roger madeup, so that's good... and megan and courtney are for sure coming to the john mayer concert....

ashley bailed on me again yesterday.. i'm just not going to make plans with her anymore... i even called her and left a message... but it's whatever.. boys will do that to people... and it's not an excuse, but i understand and i'm not going to give her a hard time about it.. but if she think she is just going to go to the john mayer concert with me when she hasn't talked to me since we were suppsoed to go to padre.... i don' tknow... atleast julie calls me still.....i don't knwo.. it's whatever.. i'm not really mad, okay a little bit, but it's to be expected and she's moving to angelo so of course she wants to spend her summer with her guy....... since i think she knows long distance doesn't work.. who knows.. i haven' talked to her in like a decade.. so who can even tell..... i haven't talked to desire either.. so it's whatever... they are just wrapped up, and i have other friends, so you gotta do what ya gotta do....

well tha's about all from me! i love you!

army, brandon

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