Brandon's last weekend

Jul 03, 2004 17:51

let's see.. thursday after i got off work i went with brandon, chris, clint, paul, puff, and puff's girl to brandon's brother brett's house.. i haven't met brett before but i figured.. he's a Goggans.. he'll be cool... i had a completely different image in my head of him, but he was really cool. i had fun and his wife is usper sweet.. haha! we hung out and bar b qd and they drank.. i took a few shots of Socco because, well, t's brandon's goin away party, and i always drink with them before he leaves.. but i didn't get too drunk.. just a buzz untill i had to leave.. brett and his wife kept saying that me and brandon should get together and that best friends' always have the best kiss.. and me and him were just like NO we're FRIENDS! haha...i mean i use to have3 a crush on brandon but i got over that a long time ago.. he is my boy and i would never jeopardize our friendship for one stupid kiss.. it's definitely not worth it... i left early cuz i had plans with james but it was cool. when i was leaving brett gave me a hug and was like if you're family to him and blaine then you're family to me... awwwwww! that was so sweet and it made me feel good... i love the goggans! they're son is te cutest too... like brandon said "goggans makes good kids" hell yeah they doo.. baby brett was SOOOO cute.. and you can see the goggans in him...... made me sad... but little kids always do...

thursday night i went out with james... well actually with carl and matt. matt and carl picked me up and we cruised out to San Marcos because james' friends from work were having a get togehter... i get there and kara andabaker is there! wow! talk about a blast from the past! i haven't seen/spoekn to her in like two years... so i guess she works at rudy's now and she is still beautiful as ever... she was like you smoke! awww your like my little sister.. (cuz i was her volleyball little sister when i was on jv) it was cool to see her, and she was really cool to me, which i guess i wasn't expecting.. but i WAS always kara's favorite... she still hangs out with dawn haeker! i haven't heard that name in forever! she said dawn is doing good and just works a lot... thats' cool

i saw jordan but she left early, that is one down ass chick.. and Dave was there.. little hottie.. haha! james was like "dave wants to talk to you, but he doesn't know what to say, he doens't want to look like an ass" haha! i was like it's just me james! haha i'm nothing to be scared of! so we played some card games.. well i stodd there and watched and treid to figure it out... but he is cool.. haha! he overheard mine and james' conversation about sex! haha... that's great.. cuz you know me and james talk about everything like it is nothing! haha! oops! but i guess dave didn't get into tech's architecture school so he is moving back here and going to utsa.. so that could be good for me =) haha, something to keep me entertained anyway... =)

it was nice to hang out with carl and matt some.. haha, whenever i think of them together i think of cici's during football season.. how we would go support JV
( haha roger) and then go to cici's afterwards.. and the infamous talks! GOD ALMIGHTY how funny those boys are.. haha and their steps for picking up underclassmen! haha, they are so funnny... carl was talking about finding cures for all these diseases,..... really interesting shit.. but i don't have much to contribute.. i do like listening to their conversations however... haha those boys are too smart for their own good... but they make sure to break it down for me =)

well friday i got off work at 12... and went shopping with brandon.. I didn't go shopping, i just looked! haha, one shopping spree with my first pay check and that looks like it will be it for about the next year or so! haha, but ti was fun with him.. awwww and he told me that if i really did join the airforce that he would be so proud of me, wasn't expecting that... we just chatted and everyday i learn something new about him.. he is full of surpises and evn though he is in the army and i'm in school, our situation are similar and have a lot in common, we can identify with eachother a lot. i love spending tme with brandoon, he really has one of the most positive attitudes and he is always optimistic.. always helps me see through the rain clouds.. i'm going to miss him a lot because he is never coming back... i mean he'll come visit occasionally if he has the chance, but not often... he did say that if i paid for half a plane ticket he would pay the other half.. so atleast i can go see him maybe... it depens on how much the ticket is and how soon he goes to iraq... so after that we went by mcdonalds and then threw a crusie...

i chilled at home for awhile.. trying to mellow out and put things in persepctive... what ended up happening was i fell alseep forever and woke up to roland calling me... haha i've been so exhausted with worry and stress, the sleep was much welcomed.....

roland, larkin, army, matt, brandon

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