Homosexuality and the Republican party

Apr 30, 2009 07:54


I tend to agree that the republicans are going to continue to get screwed unless they become slightly more socially liberal. It's funny, I've heard a lot of young Republicans echo the same sentiments as the article. Hell, even Megan McCain is on the right ( Read more... )

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The liberal Republicans hippy_susan714 October 10 2009, 01:04:28 UTC
This is becoming more and more each day...but I am voted registered as a Republican....and I am more conservative than other Republicans...but it do see their point of views. Is it just me or does anyone else think the priorities in this country has gotten off the track? For example: The Health Care Reform...I'm at the tail end of the Baby Boomers..which means i am in my fifties. Do you realize that if this bill passes...well let me give you a scenario: When i reach 65 i find out i have terminal cancer. The treatments would only prolong my life for another 6-12 months. With this bill...the doctors are left to choose if i should receive the treatments...or should i just accept the cancer and let nature take it's course. Another scenario....an 85 year old lady had a stroke...it has left her like a vegetable and she can't breathe on her own. With this free Health Bill the doctors again will choose if an 85 year old woman is worth getting any kind of medical treatment because this woman has lived her life and she's going to die anyway...despite what they do. So the doctors have decided to close her case...and take her off the respirator which will end her life. The 85 year old woman didn't make this decision...and (with this bill) her family can't make the decision either. The Government will. If you have a pre-exiting medical condition...you will be pushed all the way to the back of the line to receive medical assistance...which you may never get to the front of the line to even see a doctor. In a nutshell this Health Care Reform bill will mean that the "government" will make all of the decisions in life and death situations. Or they can take away your diabetic
medicine....or maybe your blood pressure medicine...or because you're 75 years old they don't see the need to do heart bypass on you. Do you see where i'm going on this? I don't believe in abortions...i think it is outright murder. Oh...and I love this scenario....Let's just say that there is a woman who had a one (or two) night stands. She really doesn't know the guy and not in love. She finds out she's pregnant. She could have the baby and put it up for adoption...but she's doesn't even want to go through the 9 month of pregnancy. So she gets the abortion. 50 years later a devastating plague takes the lives of over 30 million people in the world and there is no cure in sight...many more millions will die fairly soon...and the baby that was aborted...would have been the doctor who would have find the cure for this plague and save millions and millions of people. Sure...the cure would eventually be discovered hopefully by someone else...but by the time he/she find its...millions will already be gone. So..was the abortion a good choice..or just a quick fix to get rid of it so that the woman can continue with her "life." (You see what i'm saying?). In the case of a vicious rape...maybe abortion should be considered...but i'm going to tell you...i don't believe in abortions....but adopting is a great alternative. There are a lot of people out there in the world who are desperate to adopt a child and love it. Last year alone...over 60 thousand babies were aborted. That is a horrible statistic. I'm not going to relax on what i believe with all my heart and mind..it's time to take a stand.


Re: The liberal Republicans moderndayhippie October 10 2009, 01:45:23 UTC
"If you have a pre-exiting medical condition...you will be pushed all the way to the back of the line to receive medical assistance"

This is already happening, you think it's going to get worse? And by no means am I advocating the government getinvolved in health care. I could give two shits less. That's not what the government was created to do. I had government (military) healthcare and it sucked. I'd never advocate anything like that

and I personally think your abortion analogy is merit-less, but to each their own. I'm more comfortable with 60 million abortions than 60 million children that will never be adopted and struggle for food to survive. But I am really the wrong person to talk to about being pro-life. Sorry.

I think you missed the whole part of my post. Trying to decide if you are a troll....


Re: The liberal Republicans hippy_susan714 October 11 2009, 02:19:03 UTC
Yeah...i see your points (i thought that was funny about the government healthcare)....but I really have read A LOT on Thomas Jefferson and he quoted "A government who runs the people is called Tyranny...but a people who run the government is called a Republic." I totally agree with that statement (I just love Thomas Jefferson)...i think that the government is getting to Big...I was against the first bail out Bush passed along....and I just don't believe that they should pay out anymore...and i hope they don't give out any more stimulus packages from the Government. Let me ask you a question just off the top of your head...because i just don't know how to answer this: What would you personally would like to see...another government stimulus package...or...do away with taxes(any in other words there would be no paying any kind of taxes for ONE year only.) I saw this panel on the news discussing this...and the justification on paying no taxes would be extra money into the consumer's pocket and they can either pay some of their own credit debt off..in that year...or at least give them a good start in paying off their debts...and secondly it would give them extra money to purchase stuff...which in turn would boost the economy some and take a good chunk out of the Credit Card mess. I don't know how i would answer that...please let me know what you think.


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