another day

Jun 02, 2004 10:38

well lte's see what happened yesterday.... i went to work and it was SO boring. by like 3 i was already counting down! haha!

but when i got off me and ashley went to north star so she could blow some grad money. i got a cute jean skirt and two shirts. ashley bought like half the mall! haha! no not really but she got some cute stuff too. we saw the pannebeckers there too.then we went to eat at olive garden, one of my favorites! and we decided when i get my check that we are going to Zio's cuz she has never been. so i was sitin at olive garden tryin to figure out what to do for bryan when he comes in to town this weekend and i thought about renting a trailer at canyon lake.

so i called brandon to ask him how much it was and he's like sam i have something to tell you and i just kept talking and he was like no sam i have something to tell you... na di was just like what's up brandon? and he is leaving on thursday at 7 am for airborne school. he goes to airborne for 3 weeks, comes back for 2 weeks, and then he goes and does his training in NC (where mike joslin is) and then he is off to Iraq. my heart just like dropped to my stomach because he had told me anywhere from now to like 5 months from now so i was preparing for it to be a long time away. so he leaves tomorrow and bryan leaves in two weeks for like 3-4 months and i thought that i would be able to visit him when he is at AIT but brandon told me i probably won't be able to.

well so me and ashley ate and then we went over to brandon's cuz he was having like a lil get together since he's leaving. it was just hte boys pretty much.. chris, clint, paul, puff, jared werner, doug ingalls, gary coke, shanna wilkinson and some other girl, and then me and ashley. it was real chill, you know how we do, jus sittin around drinkin and talkin, reminiscing. i'm gonna miss brandon so much! =( makes me sad. and when we were over there he was talking about all the stuff that has been happening to daniel and how crazy it is and that we don't realize that he is going to be gone for a LONG time and everything will be different by the time he comes back. i thought i might start crying! haha! but i told him it's okay because by the time he gets back i will STILL be in school and STILL prolly be smokin pot! haha! somewhat of a comforting thought anyway! haha i will be in school forever! but anyway. so we hung out til around 1 and then i went home and passed the fuck out!

i think that on friday i am going to austin with james for a wedding, and then i guess on saturday i am going to the river and throwing a party at the lake, but i have to go to some picnic with my mom first. my mom got kinda mad at me yesterday cuz she was saying that i am always busy and on the go and that i never stay home and chill and i was just like i'm sorry! i always feel like i am trying to please everyone, and i'm not complaining cuz like i want to please the people i care about, but sometimes there just arne't enough hours in a day.. okay so there are NEVER enough hours in a day but i work with it!

so... i am pretty sure that i am not rooming with lanna next year, she is a slacker and never got much info on apartments and i think she already went back to new mexico so if that is the case then yeah i need to try and get on campus housing.that blows....
haha so did i tell you that when i was in corpus and tim was really drunk he was like "sam you need a boyfriend"! haha. i don't need a boyfriend i just need someone to flirt and kiss and to take my mind off the past! NO BOYFRIENDS.. haha boy toys! no not really, but you know what i mean! i love a perfect circle! ever since their concert i havn'et been able to stop listening to the cd! every song reminds me of something or someone, and the music itself rocks. damn i need to call larkin...
well i think that is all for now, more later!

military, bryan, brandon, corpus

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