(no subject)

Feb 06, 2009 12:11

oh hewwwwwo there.
i'm in shakespeare right now, bored out of my mind. we're watching a tape of an on-stage production of 'the taming of the shrew' and it's ... well it's pretty bad. it's a semi-local production, which i can tell because of the fact that one of my old profs is in it. there is nothing more annoying in the world than really really bad acting (although my prof is good! i love him, he's hilarious). and i'm pretty sure theatre (EXCLUDING MUSICAL THEATRE) shows off bad acting more than any other venue. the inflections, the movements, the mannerisms, ohhhhhh my god. i can't stand it.

i can't wait to go home. i forgot my wallet, and thus i have no money for lunch. that's probably a good thing because i'm attempting to not eat take out, but at the same time i haven't eaten a single thing yet today and i feel like i'm going to be sick/faint.

tonight is adams birthday partay. i'm going there and then going downtown to see rb's show at the rock house. i'm extremely happy that it's at the rock house and not at ... lets say ... cbtg's. i hate that place with a burning passion, especially for shows. it's so cramped and crappy looking. but the rock house is so new and nice! yay. i wonder how i'll get home though ... my dad is gone to clarenville for the next few days with my sister for her volleyball tournament and my aunt is in town (yes, again) so she's got my moms car for the next week. how am i going to get around!?!?! blarrrrggghhhh.

i have spent SO much time looking at the hello kitty mac hauls on youtube. on feb 3rd there was a pre-launch party and some people got to go and purchase their stuff before it actually comes out in stores/online. i've been researching because colours on the website are not always representative of what they're actually going to look like in person. there are only a few things that i want. nothing is too crazy-crazy.

i am annoying myself. time to go.
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