Title: Note in a Bottle
Pairing: Jet/Zuko
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst(?), Romance
Notes: Because of
this, yes, I know I lack inspiration D:
Sypnosis: A letter from Zuko to Jet.
I'm going to be honest with you when I say that I believe in fairy tales and handsome princes and knights in shining armor because you once told me that they were all true and your eyes were the color of seashells at night when the tides wash it down and spits it back up on the beaches we walk on together when the moon is hidden behind the clouds you breathe and the air you love so much, I wish I could keep it in a bottle and save it for you so we can remember the day when you bought ice cream and said it was an accident when you tripped over nothing and got it on my new swimming suit and laughed at me when I got mad at you but I really never did because I love you and want you here with me now as I'm writing this but you are gone with the wind like the book we read over the lamp light in your room and listened to the recording when you were too tired to say the words out loud yourself but I didn't tell you that I liked your voice better when I should've said so but you'd laugh at me and say that I was a liar and I am and there's no time when I'm not honest with you at all because you like drinking red wine after hours and alcohol makes an honest man I guess so that's just how it goes with you and me like it should be and maybe when you're back we can walk on white pavements like we used to do and watch you climb trees and pretend to attack me from above, even when I tell you that you're childish and I've told so many lies that I regret but seeing the picture of you that I took in secret behind your back is enough, and when we jump in rain puddles and throw pebbles at each other and you would just smile with all the charm of that rusty old switchblade I gave you for Christmas and I'd play you a song on the radio in that beat-up old car you couldn't throw out and listen to the soundtrack of the life we never had together, and I'd tell you this and you'd just laugh and laugh and laugh and put your head in my lap and count the number of clouds in the sky and say to me, every bird that flies past, one will be a bitch and crap on that haircut you got last Monday and I'd mock you and we'd mock each other and get angry and fight when we shouldn't because who knows when you'd decide to just up and leave me behind like you did, like every misadventure we took together was nothing at all and I still miss the feeling of being so insignificant in your world that is larger than mine will ever be, dreams that are bigger and better and I think I could hate you for it but I wont because I can't because I love you and if you were here I would tell you all these things and more and pretend that you deserve it.
Isn't it sad that you do not?