
Apr 22, 2005 01:35

I got so busy writing the long entry that I almost forgot to record some sightings.
  • While driving with Mom in Anoka, I saw two small, white butterflies doing the mating dance spiral all the way down to the grass in Sister D's yard.  Approx. 2:30 pm.  Full light. Clear skies.  Light breeze.  Total time: 30 seconds?
  • After we left the playground, a single, healthy-looking, wild turkey crossed the road about 30 yards in front of the car.  I think it was a male; especially if he was on the younger side.  Approx. 7:45 pm.  Full light.  Clear skies.  Calm.  Total time: 20 seconds?
  • Once we turned onto the gravel road, I noticed a white tail deer standing in a small clearing, just a few feet off the road.  We slowed immediately and coasted to a stop directly parallel to it.  We then noticed two more deer standing in the tree line.  As we watched them, the closest deer actually put its head down and grazed briefly before moving off to the left.  Just as it blended into some brush, the two remaining deer came out of the tree line and followed it.  Ch-- then called my attention to a forth deer hidden further back.  The little herd followed the ditch for about 25 yards before cautiously crossing the road behind us.  They all grazed in the yard of the abandoned house, only occasionally looking up to check on us.  They were still there as we slooowly pulled away. Approx. 8:00 pm.  Full, late-afternoon-type light.  Clear skies. Calm.  Total time: 10 minutes?


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