Monday's Putterings

Nov 15, 2005 10:08

[EDIT] Note to self: R-- suffered a migraine on Monday while at work. He'd had a nagging but mild pain from mid-Sunday night but it escalated in the late morning. It was bad enough that he clocked out for about an hour and a half so he could go sleep in the car.

I forgot we had a date with my recently-returned-from-a-writers’-conference friend and her husband last night :) (Yes. The same one who just signed her first book deal.) So I puttered around through the day-mostly writing stuff in live journal between getting some chores done. I had to scramble after 7pm when J&C called to confirm plans, but I got almost everything I intended to get done done.

Anyway. Gotta run. Working for Gmom today.

We had a nice time last night and got home at 2AM. R- must be dying at work!

Just some stuff I want to remember:

Decluttering Questions:
Do I love this item?
Have I used it in the past year?
Is it really garbage?
Do I have another one that is better?
Should I really keep two?
Does it have sentimental value that causes me to love it?
Or does it give me guilt and make me sad when I see the item?

Weekly Pamper Mission

Weather / Phenology:

Mood Summary:



Step Count:
Next Tasks
(tasks = 6 per day / themes = 4 per week)
1) sort Gmom’s clothing
2) tweak Ch-‘s Keeping Score tally … per his request
3) write up all plumbing needs / email to the Poet Plumber
4) vacuum / sweep the house (60 minutes)
5) scrub faucets & drains / work on closet (30 minutes)
6) make dinner
Th: Financial & Legal Issues: medical, overdue, budgeting
Th: Outdoors: sheet mulch, leaves / Animals: Rabbit
Th: Attitude toward Family: Gmom & upcoming move(s)/ Sister D--'s birthday on Saturday!
Th: Projects: Paint the hallway section green
Goal Level Behaviors
Next Little Bit List

The Fat Man Walking
Netflix 100
Tonight’s Sky

Accomplishments: 195 , Sphere Comparison: (Health & Body = 4 ) ( Hearth & Home = 21 ) (Mind & Soul = 14 )
< tr>Link: The Author's Keeping Score Tally Test written by moderatelymad on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

memorable events, headaches, putterings, about gmom

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