Thursday's Putterings

Aug 05, 2005 12:00

I'm actually writing this on Friday "morning". (Okay -- its exactly noon.) R-- came home a little earlier than I expected, and I felt pretty lousy yesterday, so I was asleep by 2am and I didn't do the day's reckoning.

Weather / Phenology:
I should have spent more time outdoors. The heat dissipated on Wednesday evening; Thursday was in the low 80s. The sky was blue with occasional clouds. We had an intermittent breeze. Blessedly lovely. I should have spent more time outdoors.
Mood Summary:
Weird. I felt physically bad and actually had a low fever at a couple of points. I worked with Keeping Score a bit and that felt good. I did not take Ch-- to clogging and that felt bad. Ch-- suggested that we use the timer again. I resisted at first but then agreed to use it in order to get the checkbooks done. It helped. I takes about 90 minutes to put everything in order after neglecting it for a week. I spent a lot of $ on that trip to WI. It is going to hurt as the week and the month go on.

I was verging on that numbness place that I hate so. I'm worried that Mz K-- hasn't been reading (what with the new job and all) and, thus, doesn't know that Gmom is okay. I must call her today but I'm having phone issues. I just can't seem to find a desire to reconnect with the world.
balanced the checkbook and paid bills and reported
vacuumed the stairs
made French toast at Ch--'s request
watched a great show (Medieval Tournament: The Making of a Knight from Discovery Channel) with Ch--
piked up and tidied some
worked with Keeping Score
checked in with Gmom
the pool has been filled in -- right now its a giant sand box
Boo's joy and fascination regarding DIGGING
Ch--'s willingness to be kind and allow me to be mucky (because I didn't feel well)
my laptop
the flowers I bought yesterday
the $200 prize that R-- received at work yesterday
the fact that he just outright GAVE me a one hundred dollar bill
the fact that we never keep such things secret from each other -- we could, you know
R--'s company. I give him shit about it being like kindergarten but I know he's worked hard and deserves to be a little spoiled. (Yesterday was Valley Fair Day ... then band practice.)
The fact that R-- had a particularly good day
I didn't have to leave the house or see anyone
the house is in decent order and decently clean
my cats:
Honor's back has healed nicely with the neosporin treatment ... and he comes to me to get it
Braveheart -- who has learned to drink bathwater like Toby and has found safe spots to rest from the dog
Toby -- who's tail seems to have healed entirely and who "held my hand" yesterday as I moused

Step Count:
my step counter is apparently broken :(

Next Tasks
(maintenance-type limit = 6 per day / major-type limit = 4 per week)
1) put away all laundry / fix bedroom
2) vacuum upper floor
3) general household sorting and tidying and chores--call Mz K--
4) clean up kitchen and make a real dinner (crockpot stroganoff)
5) tidy up the yard and gardens
6) do what FlyLady says
M: Update my NLB list in light of my clarified priorities / journal about these clarifications
M: Update / improve my budget and financial strategies
M: Get into the swing of things in The Artist's Way
M: Declutter and streamline decor
M: Keeping Score [special allowance this week cuz I've already been working on it]
Goal Level Behaviors
Master / Source List
Stuff I like to check in on:
"Walking across America to lose weight and regain my life!"
Netflix -- Top 100
Tonight's Sky

Accomplishments: 105 , Sphere Comparison: (Health & Body = 3 ) ( Hearth & Home = 11 ) (Mind & Soul = 7 )
Link: The Author's Keeping Score Tally Test written by moderatelymad on OkCupid Free Online Dating

my dog, my cats, $, putterings

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