Friday, Saturday & Sunday Putterings (Turns out it was a party.)

Jul 04, 2005 11:07

I've promised Ch-- that I would make pancakes for brunch so I only have a moment to get this clearing the decks post up.

(I went and made the pancakes, and did chores and such, so I could return without any time pressures.)

Thursday and Friday were work days. Much of Saturday too. Folks arrived at 6ish on Saturday evening. I think the two young masters (Ch-- & M--) had a good time. Mr. A-- gave us a lovely fireworks show. We roasted many marshmallows. We forgot to actually eat in any organized way, although the tuna and potato salads seemed to disappear pretty quickly. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to talk to Mz D--'s boyfriend, Mr. A-- and Mz K--'s son, D--. (D-- joined the army after graduation so I am fascinated by his rapid maturing process. It is hard to see the cute little boy that used to play with my M--.) The original intention was to have a low key, girlfriend-centric weekend. Apparently, however, nine people becomes a party, even when a couple of them are little boys. We killed a few bottles of various alcohols. (That is a serious understatement.) I had a good time but I drank waaay too much. (I guess I'm not used to the extra kick of my new drink: bourbon & soda, cloudy.) Sunday, sadly, was almost a complete wash for me. Far too tired, far too queasy, far too headachy. We put the house together first thing on Sunday morning though, so today's return to normal went smoothly.

Weather / Phenology:
The weather held beautifully for the weekend. I had perfect mowing conditions in the two days leading up to the event. Saturday was lovely. (mid 70's? low 80's??) We had a nice breeze that helped with mosquitoes. M-- tells me that it thunderstormed early Sunday morning, after I retreated to the tent we had set up for the boys. (They slept in the house instead.) We forgot to pack up the handful of fireworks we'd intended to save for Sunday night, so they got soaked. I was entirely oblivious, but I'd only been asleep for an hour or so when it came. I might remember waking up enough to move away from the water that seeped in through the tent flap I'd failed to close properly. Or I might have dreamed it. By the time I woke up to see Mz K and D-- off, at about 8am, the sky was clear. It must have been fast and furious.
Mood Summary:
I think it all went better than usual. I refrained from being horribly anxious and shrewish before folks arrived. In return, my family helped quite a lot. My God, we got a lot done. We were very ready to just kick back and relax by 4:30-5pm on Saturday. I regret that some parts of Saturday night are foggy for me ... seems a shame to lose any of the details. And I very much regret that I lost so much of Sunday to just plain blah-ness. My mood right now is weird. This description doesn't feel very real or natural to me. I think these last several days have all been just a little over-the-top. Too much efficiency, to many accomplishments. (I didn't know that was possible.) Too much social, too many departures from reality. I'm looking forward to settling in and enjoying the not-so-busy/social me. I want to read, watch movies, cuddle R--, teach Ch--, putter with the animals & gardens, write ... maybe even sew.
Here's the link to Thursday / Friday list:

Getting Ready for the Weekend Task List

Beyond that, I've simply finished putting my world to rights.
Getting to see D-- and having the opportunity to really talk with him
Watching the boys watching fireworks
The size and vigor of my tomato plants
All the help that R-- & M-- gave me before the party
Especially all the help that Ch-- volunteered. Its wonderful to see him become genuinely useful.
Boo's reasonable behavior despite all the stimulation
The neighbor who didn't freak out when a big ol' pit bull came, off-lead, to greet him and his dog
The big ol' pit bull that DID charge into the "jungle" but DIDN'T come out with a chicken in his jaws
The weather
The chickens that did not freak out in response to the explosions that occurred 10 feet from their tractor
Sleeping in a tent--even if I don't really remember it well
Mz D-- coming into my room and flopping onto the bed at 4ish on Sunday
and Boo, who followed her and flopped even better
Looking far better than I had any reasonable expectation to after an bourbon soaked all-nighter
and R-- noticing
M-- glimpsing the "specialness" of her generation ... finally
the fire ring
and so much more that I can't quite grasp at the moment
Next Tasks
(maintenance-type limit = 6 per day / major-type limit = 4 per week)
here's what will need to be handled when the holiday weekend is done:
1) contact library about the books I DID return!!!
2) write a contract letter to B.L. re: pool & old plowing bill
3) mail authorization letter / contract letter / movies
M: Keeping Score Journal / ljs for the men / mermaids / lists????
M: M: Prepare for Anoka County Fair (50% done) / Establish Ch--'s tally and "homework" (90% done)

Goal Level Behaviors
Master / Source List

Daily score: 360. Emphases comparison: (health and body = 21/47) (hearth and home = 44/66) (mind and soul = 135/91 )
*bonus for intentional lazy/social day
This should be the last score from this template, unless I use it for comparison against the "new" (100 point scale) test.

memorable events, phenology, putterings

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