malabar asked me about my points recently. I'll try to provide a quick overview:
I created my point system, Keeping Score, a few years ago, out of desperation.
I've pretty much always lived under the tyranny of to-do lists. I seem to have a compulsion. Of course I eventually tired of them because they inspired more guilt and hopelessness than positive feelings of accomplishment. Just as I was sinking under the weight of my undone lists, I began reading about creating balance as a method to developing more self-esteem. (And, consequently, experiencing more peace within one's life.) I realized, one night, that my lists were ALL about tasks, chores and work. Where was the balance? No wonder I'd grown to hate them. On any day that I failed to make inroads, I felt useless. It didn't matter what I had done with my day but rather what I hadn't done.
Fed up and feeling creative, I devised a checklist (tally) that deliberately included all of my most frequent activities. (The good and the "bad". The productive and the just-plain-good-for-my mood.) I gave each activity the same number of points so that no one activity would appear more important than another. (This also helped to minimize my tendency to obsess over a single task--I was free to spend an entire day cleaning the stove dials with toothpicks, but I was only gonna get 10 points for it.) I made copies of the tally so that I'd get a daily fresh start. Then I set the goal of achieving at least 100 points every day.
Incidentally, over time, I also created a system that would help others to devise a useful and personal tally. As I continued to study my own diagnosis, (and related conditions,) I refined the system. Now, for example, when you see my score there is a subheading that indicates which of three major spheres of health and stability I've been concentrating on.
When I found lj, I also found "meme-makers", so I'm currently playing with an electronic version of the same basic system. Right now I'm experimenting with variable point values which take into account "partially" completed activities. I'm losing the nice round numbers however, so I'm still working with it. I'd share the link to the test, but I haven't "published" it to the OKCupid system so I'm the only one who can see it. Of course its MY list so it wouldn't be particularly useful to anyone but me.
Weather: Hot. Thick. Mostly bright. We're in the dark of the moon. Sister D-- called me this afternoon to let me know there were storms all around but, so far, we've had nothing since this morning. I woke to a sharp crack of thunder and some steady rain but, by the time Ch-- needed to leave for school, the rain had already stopped. The day was too sultry to accomplish any decent work but was grand for tasting summer. Near seven o'clock, the worst of the humidity broke and the evening has turned out pleasantly.
Mood Summary: Confused. I'm all discombobulated. Ever since I went nocturnal, and then reverted most of the way, I've just been odd. I'm sleeping when I'm tired ... and when I'm uncertain about how to proceed with my day. Odd to be this sleep-saturated when I'm not suffering a depression. Other than feeling scattered and distracted, I am pretty happy most of the time. I'm not noticing anxiety, paranoia, irritability or melancholy.
Hmmm. Just lately it feels like not so much... today I:
Repaired the rabbit cage with the new, manual staple gun.
Helped Ch-- have a great start to his day. (We "mohawked" his hair and wrapped 3 gifts for teachers.)
Read (and learned much) from a new dog training book.
Used said methods in two "training sessions". (This gets double points because Ch-- and I worked together.)
Mowed the side yard.
Went for a walk -- with dog & boy -- and...
Practiced using the digital camera while in the forest.
Finally getting back to lj ... again. (I have been only reading and commenting for a couple of days.)
A working lawnmower.
My nephew/brother The Godfather who is probably going to agree to finance a consolidation loan for us.
Ch--'s gifted & talented teacher who volunteers her time.
Ch--'s hero worship of his father's sense of humor. (Great fun to watch him get it.)
The sweet post Mz. K left in response to my 13 Things list.
The local restaurant which provided a real meal when I just didn't want to cook.
The flexibility of my life.
Next tasks:
(maintenance-type limit = 6 per day / major-type limit = 4 per week)
URGENT!! plant tomatoes and peppers? (weather permitting)
quick vacuum / sweep and household touchups (make it all pleasant & cool-feeling)
laundry (in particular the shirts Ch-- needs to finish spirit week activities)
contact the mortgage loan officer, if she doesn't get back to me first. Phone J-- in the early evening.
mow the courtyard
change the sheets to cotton and wash the cuddle blankets (find a blanket for Boo??)
M: paint swatch
M: finish sheet mulches
M: plant rest of veggies (potatoes, onions, tomatoes, peppers)
M: arrange consolidation
lazy / low function
Daily score: 140. Emphases comparison: (health and body = 6/47) (hearth and home = 15/66) (mind and soul = 16/91 )