Mission 101 Update (3rd month)

Nov 02, 2006 04:01

My Full Mission 101 List       My Evil-Twin Mission 101 List

It's that time again. Because so many of my Mission 101 tasks require endurance, I've been a bit frustrated as I've tried to develop a good way to keep track of my successes and report my status. I'm hoping that this format is not too irritating. I've copied all the items in which I've made progress from my full Mission 101 list, trimmed extraneous information and posted them here, behind the cut. Where appropriate, I've also added a note about any details I might want to recall later.

In essence, it was an acceptable month though, of course, I accomplished less than I'd hoped I would. I was able to actually cross off three finite items:

F   018   Order small satellite package with one DVR units.
F   033   Finish pre-plotting work for novel.
F   062   Convert to 50% or better cruelty-free, free range dairy products. [2/32]
(I'll continue to track this so we don't back-slide but it's become part of our normal behavior.)

Lest I forget: I made good progress on 18 on-going items!! I also added four items to my "evil-twin" list.

12 / 101

H   001   Do yoga / meditation / "zen-sleep" 20 days each month. (relaxation) [2/32]
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months. (October '06 @ 85%)
Grades: Sept06=A, Oct06=B,

H   002   Walk / Dance / Chores 20 days each month. (moderate exercise) [1/32]
*F = Cross off this line after one successful month. (October '06 @ 100%)
Grades: Sept06=C, Oct06=A,

H   006 Wear hats with an attitude. [3/32]
*Grade monthly. Cross off this line after 13 mo. at B or better.
Grades: Aug=B, Sept06=B, Oct06=B,

H   009   Take monthly photos for ongoing projects. [1/32]
*4--landscape, my body, my son, seasonal day in the life (all but body in October '06)
*Grade monthly. Cross off this line after 13 mo. at B or better.
*F   Photograph all 12 months of the backyard landscape as the seasons change. [1/12]
*F   Photograph 13 months of my body as my lifestyle changes take effect. [0/13]
*oo9 is completed when all 3 of the above are crossed off.
Grades: Aug=F, Sept06=D, Oct06=B,

F   011   Spend an entire week studying each tarot card - get through the deck [2/78 cards]
Grades: Aug=F, Sept06=F, Oct06=B,

H   013 Have callus-free, smooth, pretty feet. [3/32]
completed as of 8/13/06 - keep track and grade hereafter
Grades: Aug=A, Sept06=B, Oct06=A,

F   014   Restorative immersions 20 days each month. [1/32]
*Grade monthly. Cross off this line after 13 mo. at B or better.
Grades: Oct06=B,

H   015   Substitute tea, cocoa, water, coffee etc. for most of Diet Pepsi. [2/32]
*F = Cross off this line after one month of no more than 3 sodas per day.
Grades: Sept06=D, Oct06=A,

H   016   Reduce / eliminate fast food. (Chipotle is “good” food and exempt.) [1/32]
*F = Cross off this line after 13 days of no bad fast food.
Grades: Oct06=A,
(I actually did very well with this task in October -- I avoided fast food on 23 days. If you knew how bad my habit used to be, you'd be proud of me :)

H   017   Eat one in-season food -- or a new food -- mindfully every month. [2/32]
Grades: Sept06=A, Oct06=A,

F   018   Order small satellite package with one DVR units.
completed as of October 30th, '06

H   020   Have at least one adventure each month. [2/32]
October ~
Meditating under the stars, late at night, on a cushion, under a blanket, alone on my secluded land.
Plus: 2 real artist dates

H   024   Go on at least one family outing each month. (museum, attraction, show) [3/32]
October ~ Fort Snelling with my husband & children
AND the local petting zoo/ pumpkin farm with my mother & children.

H   025   Contact each Godchild monthly. [2/32]
October ~ Halloween night visits including crafty trinkets for both.

H   026   Cook for Anoka family members at least 2wice per month. [3/32]
Grades: Aug=A, Sept06=A, Oct06=B,
(This one is a little iffy -- I only cooked for them once but it was a VAT of requested scalloped potatoes on Halloween night. I also took The Godfather out for drinks, delivered a couple of cupcakes that Mz D-- baked and left my daughter with the fixings for taco-dip-stuff so I'm counting it as a successful month.)

F   033   Finish pre-plotting work for novel.
completed in early October '06

H   052   Help my son adjust to working at the appropriate level for 5-6 hours per day. [2/32]
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months.
Grades: Sept06=A, Oct06=A,

H   053   Help my son relearn to enjoy learning for learning's sake. [2/32]
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months.
Grades: Sept06=A, Oct06=A,

F   062   Convert to 50% or better cruelty-free, free range dairy products. [2/32]
*F = Cross off this line after 2 consecutive successful months.
Completed in October '06 - keep track and grade hereafter.
Grades: Sept06=A, Oct06=A,

F   095   Confine 95% of smoking to outdoors, studio, away & bars. [3/32]
Grades: Aug=A, Sept06=A, Oct06=B,

F   097   Incorporate a healthy, supportive "daily dozen" into my life -- PART ONE [1/32]
*Track efforts to complete my 12 most important maintenance-type tasks at least 20 days of each month.
*F = Cross off this line after one successful month. (October '06 @ 80%)
Grades: Sept06=C, Oct06=B,

That's all for this month, folks.
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