Topics contained herein:
Autumn. A chicken swap. My son’s scary-happy life. An anticipated date. And waaay too many tasks as yet undone.
Weather / Phenology:
Today is gray, chilly and drizzly. Yesterday was sunny and cool. We had a frost advisory last night but it doesn’t look like anything got nipped too badly. The pumpkins, even the partially eaten ones, are turning orange. Fall arrived on Friday. I know we will likely have several more summery days but it might as well be mid-October right now.
On Friday morning, when we stepped outside to do our sun salutation, the first thing I noticed was that two leaves on the maple near the picnic table had turned red. Later, as we drove M- to her medical appointment, they kids got into a little game of ‘point at obscure patches of turning leaves and then make fun of mom ‘cuz she can’t see what the heck we are looking at before she blows past them’. Ch- observed that the smallest, youngest trees are changing colors while the mature trees remain green. He suggested that these young trees simply get sleepy earlier than the elders -- and that their transformation is a signal that it is time to “go nappy time” now. While we waited for M- to finish her appointment, Ch- and I shared a wonderful lunch at the deli counter of the local grocery and then wandered around hugging some trees. (We’ve been doing that ever since Ch- heard someone call me a tree-hugger.) We also noticed that the season of the crows has begun.
On Saturday morning my children and I tumbled out of our beds at 6:15 so that we could go to the chicken swap in Forest Lake. We pulled up to the feed store at 6:59 with three roosters in the back seat - one of whom had been crowing directly into Ch-‘s ear for the last 10 miles of the trip. We carried the boys to the end of a row of poultry cages. I sent the kids to look for hens and waited. At 7:05 or so, a man approached and asked how much I wanted for the chickens.
“Are you going to eat them?” I asked.
“Then you can have them as long as you are quick and efficient. They are good birds. The two smaller ones should probably be fattened up because they’ve been penned with a rooster that likes to keep them away from the food.”
I actually managed to say all that without bawling. He was pleased and helped me transfer them to pens in the back of his truck. I walked away feeling sick to my stomach and distrustful. I hope that it goes quickly and mercifully and that he was telling the truth. I’m haunted by the idea that they will be used for baiting a dog or something equally terrible. There will be no more spare roosters in my life. There will be no more hatchings of nests with their 50% male contents. Apparently I’m destined to take care of crotchety old hens and about three favored roosters.
On a brighter note, we also purchased a lovely golden laced cochin pullet. She came home with us, found her place in the pecking order (near the top) and promptly commandeered the nest box where she laid a nice sturdy brown egg. Good girl. And welcome home.
Mood Summary:
I’m a bit on the sleepy side - the weather is pushing me to hibernate. Still, I’m happy enough.
Ch- has had a good week and wonderful weekend. Over all, I’d say he’s comfortable with the way the course load for the virtual school is developing. He got to spend time with his sister on Friday. After the doc appointment, we returned home where M- helped us have our first music class. (Which was great fun and included singing a round.) Then she gave him his birthday present early (a subscription to City of Heroes … no, actually it was City of Villains) and spent the evening playing with him while R- and I went out for karaoke. After the Saturday morning swap meet, I returned her to Anoka before making it home in time to accompany R- & Ch- to Ch-‘s first karate class. That went incredibly well. Later, while R- and I napped, he went over to Young Master L-‘s house to play for a couple of hours. Today, I took my son to the sporting goods store to buy him his early birthday present from us - a nice compound bow and all the necessary accessories.
(I don’t know why M- was moved to give Ch- his gift a month early. As for us, we decided that a bow would be most enjoyable during nice weather so waiting until mid-October seemed sort of mean. We’ll still give him a special birthday dinner when his real day comes. We might follow R-‘s tradition and give him “a book and a sweater” to open.)
Ch- finds this whole process funny. He says he’s in hero/ninja training. I’m slightly less amused. So many things are happening so fast … My son will soon be 11 years old. We are teaching him how to fight and shoot and make his own unique way in the world. It feels like his burden of responsibility has increased exponentially from what it was just a few months ago. He’s doing well …
We stopped at the bookstore to buy a book on the basics of archery. He first read the history of the art and then turned to the safety section. He made it clear to the clerk who fitted him for his bow that he’s not interested in hunting. He’s taking his karate instructor’s admonishments to reserve all the techniques he will learn for the dojo. He’s monitoring his own schedule of video gaming vs. study vs. fitness time. He’s remaining physically affectionate at the same time that he’s becoming more private about his body.
It really does go fast you know.
When we got home from town today, Ch- got to shoot one arrow, one time, even though we don’t yet have a target. That arrow has disappeared entirely. We all watched it fly into the bed of tomatoes and yet we can’t find it. Now he’s playing his new game and I’m sitting here trying to capture three very busy days. I’m missing all sorts of details but this will have to be good enough … I’ve got hours of cleaning and organizing ahead of me and it’s already 5:42 on Sunday afternoon.
Five Gratitudes:
1) I very much enjoyed Friday’s weather.
2) R- and I had a good date in the middle of a good weekend. He’s asked me out for next Friday. He arranged for M- to watch Ch- and he plans to take me to see the new Black Dahlia movie and then go on to eat sushi.
3) The clerk at the sporting goods store was knowledgeable, patient and helpful.
4) My effort at making a really good shepard’s pie was successful. (I used shredded roast beef rather than hamburger - it was really a pot pie with a mashed potato crust.)
5) I can see where I’m going and I know it will be good. Right now I’m tired and still overwhelmed but life is coming together and all will be well soon.
See above. The events of this weekend allowed me to cross two items off my Mission 101 list. I’ve still got a lot to do to get ready for a long day away from the house tomorrow. I’m off to finish the dishes, move some laundry, set Young Master M- up with an online identity, clean some house, tend some animals and make a plan for educating my son when I’m away from home tomorrow.
Sheesh. I know I’m not gonna make it. Maybe I should nap for a few hours and then get up. We’ll see.
Daily Dozen My Mission 101 List My Evil-Twin Mission 101 ListStart Date: July 27, 2006 10:00 pm ---- End Date: April 24, 2009 10:00 pm
Goal Level Behaviors Routines Cleaning: zones & weekly schedule