How's this for a coincidental follow-up to last night's post:
Gemini Horoscope for: Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Everything feels more traumatic than you prefer now, but don't let that stop you from doing what you must do. Events are unfolding in ways that can bring a dramatic shift to your life. You can try to fight it or you can roll with the changes. Even if you are tempted, keep in mind that the easy way out is currently not your best course of action.
I don't even know what I am considering to be "the easy way out" let alone "what I must do".
2:50 pm -- several kitchen items completed ('Found it funny that I used the clean cast iron skillet, cleaned it, used it again and cleaned it again.) 'Getting on well with Ch-- who very much enjoyed his requested French toast and has since been independently dividing his time between gaming and useful tasks. Laundry, recycling, animal care and assessments are all underway. There will be a flurry of crossing off the next time I sit down I think. Many remaining items are much quicker to complete than heavy-duty cooking. Called my husband to chat. He sounds depressed and I told him we both have to snap out of this funk. I even flirted in a heavy-handed kinda way :)
Time now: 2:56.
6:26 pm -- At 4:28 pm I was about to do a quick update to record finishing the bathroom stuff when the phone rang. I've been sitting here, staring at that personal time-stamp, for two hours while talking on the f-in' phone. Note to self: This list did not include defusing another potential family blow-up this afternoon. I dont feel bad about the two calls; I think they were productive. It's just that two hours disappeared and I'm so far behind now that I'm unlikely to finish that which I set out to do -- at least not today. I will have to fill my daughter in on all the misconceptions and manipulations when she's done with classes.
So. I finished a good cleaning of the bathroom, cleaned out the fridge properly and did a little more picking up as I went. Oh. And my coffee is brewing as I type.
Time now: 6:32 pm
7:14 pm -- Okay. That's better. I was trying to see how many of the little things I could get crossed off before seven o'clock. (of course I didn't stop until just now but it was only a theoretical concept anyway :) I managed to jump start the laundry (including making all the appropriate loads), finish the indoor animal chores, tidy up both floors, sort the donations, including Ch--'s clothes and gather all the garbage and recycling (which I will take out when I'm done here). I asked Ch-- for some help and he cheerfully and effectively set to. (I marked his contributions with a CH in the list below.)
I know this is a weird little exercise but sometimes I need A LOT of structure to get back into the proper swing of things.
Time now: 7:20
8:34 pm -- I just finished eating some wonderful dinner (sans veggies so there will be a fruit dessert). R-- is home. He's watching a show that I can't believe I'm NOT watching: The Last Days of the Earth or something like that. I've done a few more things like finally getting around to brushing my teeth (never mind that I'm still wearing a flannel night shirt and some sweats).
I'm taking some time to process all this now. So far I've made significant progress in DD items 0-4, 6, 7 and 10. I'm pretty confident that 12 will be handled well. That leaves 5 (personal care) 8 (writing) 9 (move my body) and 11 (support writing). I'm not concerned too much about the moving thing -- I've been in a lather for much of the day (when I wasn't sitting on the phone chain smoking). Hmmm. How surprising.
When I write my next journal entry, I'll link to this list under the accomplishments heading. Other than that I want to remember to note thoughts about:
~one thing at a time (separate conversations w/ Ch--, R-- & M-- as well as the gas thing)
~Ch-- spreading my gospel
~smoking update
~how the daily dozen translates to scour hour
Time now: 8:54 pm
10:31 PM -- See, I'm back to having fun now. I am reading and appreciating comments but I'm still sort of seeing how far I can get today.
Just now I finished up a lovely version of Ch--'s new daily dozen list. (I'll post that in a seperate entry and seek critiques. When I do that the link will be here :) I also got the house all put to bed which pretty much covers the non-self-care parts of #12. The 3rd load of laundry is washing, the second is drying and the 1st needs folding and putting away.
Time now: 10:37
1:50 am (August 31st) -- I've slowed down considerably. In fact all I've done in the last several hour is write a fan letter and drink coffee. I'm inclined to curl up with my husband and start fresh tomorrow. I must remember to take time to do something fun with Ch--.
Time now: 1:55
Today's Daily Dozen -- Detailed
I just need a place to cross things off today ;/
00 Wake up and adjust mood.
*make fresh coffee, watch the news, feed my son and eat, turn on some music, keep an eye out for additional tasks that need to be added to this list, check Mission 101 list for stuff I have to knock off today and tomorrow, create a tracking document for that type of stuff
01 Upstairs routine.
*make bed CH, clean toilet, clean all surfaces, clean mirror, brush teeth, scoop pan, change out all towels, make laundry loads, take out all garbages, dust bedroom, vacuum
02 Laundry.
*wash, dry, fold & put away one load each of whites, colors & delicates.
Space loads through the day and do towels, sheets & remaining colors tomorrow -- for the sake of the septic system.
03 Indoor animals.
*feed & water all, tend cat pan, sweep cat litter, medicate Honor's back
[MOVED due to crock-pot-y nature]
10 Cook (or make sure there is good food for Ch--).
*doing dishes along the way as much as possible
Stroganoff. Freeze polish for later. Pudding?
04 Main floor routine.
*clean out fridge, clear & wash table, do dishes, there will be more as the day wears on Nope. Got the shiny sink thing going on. sweep kitchen, spot mop kitchen & dining room, pack up all donations items, take out recycling and garbage, straighten bed, vacuum
[MOVING #05 to later on the list.]
06 Outdoor routine.
*feed & water all, gather eggs CH, check gardens for weeds & produce, tidy the yard a bit
07 School. (not officially started yet)
Sort & bundle Ch--'s clothing. Document pumpkin damage with Ch-- CH. Revise and print out Ch--'s Daily Dozen.
[MOVED] 05 Personal care.
*organize supplements so I can resume taking them, take supplements, eat something, shower/immerse, yoga
08 Write. (today & tomorrow)
1) a rough draft of something short: writer's hat? pick up "crisis response plan"?
2) finish pre-plotting (Johann's character sketch)
09 Move my body.
*vacuuming covers this today. I might as well start yoga again today too, I'll be tracking it come September 1st.
11 Support writing.
*fan letter to Cassidy
12 Shut down for the night.
*Lock up, empty sink, lefovers, check beverages, brush teeth, moisturize feet
Thursday (so far):
Mail fan letter & cameras to Godchildren
Drop off donations